Games keep getting remakes and remasters, which makes fans of famous franchises wonder when their favorite game will finally have the spotlight again. There are many amazing franchises that could turn into amazing remakes if given the chance. Horror games that can finally fully express the creator's original vision, beloved characters stuck in dead genres, and even cult RPGs that did not have the chance to become as popular as they deserve.
Here are the 4 games I'd love to see remade in Next-Gen graphics.
Silent Hill
Many people would say that the horror genre peaked during the PS1 and PS2 eras. Back when we had so many titles, Silent Hill was always among the big boys. The first silent hill was not great looking by any standards set after the PS2 was launched. Curiously, the fog was added to the game because the console was not capable of loading all the buildings that the players were meant to see. In the end, the game ended up having this never-ending ominous vibe to it that traumatized a bunch of kids with the scariest low poly creatures and nightmarish horror plot.
Silent Hill could greatly benefit from a modern-era remake, a lot like Resident Evil did. The consequence, though, would be a very traumatizing experience for adults. Although it is pretty hard for a game to live up to one's nostalgia and imagination, Silent Hill has one of the most disturbing settings ever made in the genre. We would love to be unable to sleep because of this game!
Final Fantasy VI
Although Final Fantasy VII has been receiving a lot of love, even the developers behind Final Fantasy VII Remake have expressed their wish to remake the sixth game of the series. It might not have turned into an amazingly popular game, but it is to this day one of the most amazing stories ever made by Square.
This game has a rich setting, a huge world, many interesting NPCs, and very ideas that were completely interesting and original when it came out. In fact, Final Fantasy VII was clearly influenced by many of the elements used in this game. Not only that, Final Fantasy VI has one of the most iconic and most powerful villains of all games of this franchise: Kefka, the Clown God.
Capcom fans will never let this go. Darkstalkers is one of the most beloved and iconic franchises that Capcom owns. One cannot deny that a classic vampire fighting a martial artist werewolf is quite easy to remember. Darkstalkers had many hardware limitations back in its day. In fact, those limitations even prevented the game from having all existing characters of the game together in the game's last title. I'm dying to see Baby Bonnie Hood in 3D mercilessly trying to cut some throats! Capcom should bring back Fighting Games, but perhaps Darkstalkers should be the first.
Megaman X
Yes, Megaman X was remade in 3D and remade for iOS. But that's not really a good remake. I wish they'd take Megaman X in a new direction. A proper 3D game with action, platforming, and shooting. I can imagine that Zero's gameplay can easily be turned into something like Devil May Cry. Imagine how badass would be to swing that laser sword against Mavericks similarly to how Dante plays.
If there's something that Devil May Cry 5 proved is that you can have different characters being fun and interesting at the same level. That only means that the right team could translate that to X's gameplay. It would be super fun if both X and Zero were playable characters with completely different playstyles.
Do You Agree?
This was a short list, but I firmly believe that those 4 games are special, and they deserve to be back on stage with a huge new generation spotlight. With a few tweaks and modernizations, we can have those gems to shine once again like Resident Evil 2 Remake did.
Do you agree? Please let me know in the comment section!