Guilty Gear is a game made by people who love Rock 'n' Roll. Hard Roll and Heavy Metal have a strong influence on the game. You easily notice it by checking various design elements of the game. From the many belts in their attires to the many long-haired characters in the game. The most recently announced fighter, I-No, is carrying around an Electric Guitar and hitting people on their heads with it. You don't get much more Heavy Metal than that.
But besides all those clear influences and indirect references, Guilty Gear has some very in-your-face musical references in the game. Let's check them:
Zato is a puppet character in Guilty Gear that is accompanied by some sort of living shadow. This creature has a name: Eddie.
This character is a reference to Gothic and Black metal with his black clothes and long hair, but the shout-out to heavy metal is his shadow. Eddie is also the name of Iron Maiden's Mascot. The Zombie that shows up in pretty much every album cover.
Guilty Gear Strive introduced a new character and many players instantly fell in love with her. Giovanna is a Brazilian fighter that has a spiritual dog and fights barehanded. She has a lot of movements that are based on Capoeira, a Brazilian Martial Art.
One of these movements is called Sepultura, which, not by coincidence, is the name of a Worldwide famous Brazilian Thrash Metal band.
Chipp Zanuff
Chipp Zanuff is a really quick ninja that is known in the game for having really low health. His redesign looks amazing in Guilty Gear Strive, but what he references is on his name. Chipp Zanuff is named after Chip Z'nuff, the Bass Guitar Player from the band Enuff Z'nuff.
Ky Kiske
The Guilty Gear team is not even trying to hide their references. Chip Zanuff is not the only name that references members of rock 'n' roll bands. Kai Hansen is the beloved guitarist from the Heavy Metal band Helloween. The bad also had a blond lead singer called Michael Kiske.
Put the two together, and we have another in-your-face reference in Guilty Gear Strike: Ky Kiske.
Axl Low
Well, if you thought this just couldn't become more obvious, you're wrong. It doesn't take any genius nor anyone who is very into old Rock to realize that this is not just a reference. It is most likely some sort of homage.
Not only Axl Low has pretty much the same name, but he also looks a lot like Axel Rose, the lead singer from one of the most famous rock 'n' roll bands of all time: Guns and Roses.
Stairway to Heaven
The ranked name of Guilty Gear Strive, Stairway to Heaven, is named after one of the most famous Rock-n-Roll songs ever. Led Zepplin's Stairway to Heaven.
The higher you climb in the stairway to heaven, the harder it gets. Only the best players reach the Heaven Floor.
As a Franchise, Guilty Gear has many other musical references. In character names, special moves, and even scenarios. Have a missed any musical reference in Guilty Gear Strive? Do let me know in the comment section!