If you are searching for Best Christmas Ixion Deals 2022! you are in the right place.
There you can compare different sales on different platforms to get the best deal you can.
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A city builder placed in the cold, dark depths of space with elements of survival.
Best Christmas Ixion Deals 2022!
Credits: Kasedo Games
The Ixion is a city builder where you manage your resources to build your own spaceship population. You will also need to place the building in the right area to efficiently gather and transport resources around the ship. The game itself will guide you step by step so it will all be clearer to you once you play it.
List of Sellers for Best Christmas Ixion Deals 2022!
Is an Ixion Worth Buying?
The game is only available on PC which is pretty inconvenient for a gift but that doesn't mean it is not worth the price. Once you are into the game you could be spending a lot of time improving and progressing with your spaceship. The game can be also paused at any time so you can take a break once you feel exhausted.
Credits: Kasedo Games
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