“A bhikkhu does not violate his body through cybermodification. It is against… the pratimoksha!” This is the line of dialogue that begins the Cyberpunk 2077 Losing My Religion Side Job.
Unfortunately for these monks, the maelstrom don’t seem to care about their pratimoksha, and have a sick and twisted sense of humor…
Cyberpunk 2077 Losing My Religion (Sacrum Profanum) Side Job Mission Walkthrough
The Side Job: Losing My Religion (also referred to in the journal post-completion as Sacrum Profanum) will be triggered upon completion of the Main Job: The Ride, and exploring the docks area of Night City (Northside district).
You will come across a monk kneeling and lamenting about his newly implanted cybermodifications. Speak to the monk to learn that he and his brother in Buddha, both bhikkhu monks, were attacked by a group of maelstrom gang members and taken to a location nearby for cybermodification. Due to the monks’ beliefs that one should not modify themselves with cyberenhancements, the maelstrom thought it would be funny to kidnap and force implants on the bhikkhu. The maelstrom sure do have a sadistic sense of humor.
The monk will tell you the location where his brother is and ask that you go free him immediately without killing any of the maelstrom. Note: If V leaves the area the mission will be automatically failed, so you must go free the monk immediately if you wish to complete the mission.
After going to the location, you will see a maelstrom gang member outside guarding the entrance. I suggest that you climb up the shipping containers to find your way in, above the main entryway, undetected.
From here, you have two options. Take out the enemies using stealth tactics (non-lethal), or use smart guns and shoot the enemies’ legs or arms to take them down without killing them. The outcome of the mission will be relative to how many maelstrom gang members you kill.
Once you’ve cleared the room of maelstrom, you can approach the monk and let him know that you’re here to rescue him on behalf of his brother.
After talking with the monk and Johnny, the monk insists you go on ahead of him as he needs to catch his breath and collect himself before returning to his brother.
After you exit dialogue with the monk, the mission is complete and you will receive 431 XP and 970 Street Cred XP. Make sure you don’t forget to search the area before you leave, because to the left of the monk is the iconic power SMG Fenrir!
From this point, you can return to the first bhikkhu monk you spoke to initiate the mission to tell him his brother is fine but that he needs a bit of time to himself before he will return to their spot on the docks.
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