Finding your way around Night City can be an easy task when you have plenty of Eurodollars (eddies) in your pocket. Below are different ways you can use V to obtain and be your best self in Cyberpunk 2077.
Selling Your Junk
When beginning the game make sure you pick up everything as you progress through the story. This will allow V to have as much inventory to sell at both shops and drop stations and get large amounts of eddies. One key aspect to remember is to not buy the disassembling crafting perk as it will disassemble a lot of the higher paying items that could be sold for more as there currently are.
If you do choose to go this route of selling junk it might be best to sell any weapons that are not useful to you anymore as they can be sold for a good amount. Make sure you look around the Night City for large yellow lockers, those are drop station where you can sell your junk quickly and get paid immediately to spend all over Night City.
Do The Reported Crimes
This goes without saying for huge free roam titles like Cyberpunk 2077 but do the side missions and side activities. Reported crimes fall under this category and it will also net you a hefty amount of eddies once they are completed. Not only do you gain money from each completed crime but you also earn weapons and XP in the process.
The longer the reported crime the more XP and cash you will earn for V. The NCPD are reporting crimes throughout your time in the game so have fun completing them in the process.
Stealing From The System
This method requires a bit more thinking as it requires you to decipher some puzzles in order to get into different access points. Once you bypass these access points you can obtain a sizable reward. These access points become much faster to hack once you unlock the Advanced Datamine Perk for V.
If you are able to hack through the first couple of sequences from the access points you can usually get $600 in eddies. Most hackable entry points can be found in restricted areas and enemy territories.
Unlimited Eddies And Crafting XP
This final process is very intuitive and allows you to have unlimited eddies as well as crafting XP throughout the game. Though it is an exploit in the game the process can be a bit tedious as you will need to keep repeating the process of collecting junk, disassembling, and then selling.
To begin you must buy everything out of vending machines that require $10 per item. Once you have done so use the mechanic perk to have these items become both common and uncommon through dismantlement. After this is completed use the new resources to craft green uncommon items allowing you to sell them for cash. By continuously completing the process you will gain both crafting XP and end up with big bags of eddies to immerse yourself even more in the game.
All these ways better the experience for V all over Night City so use them to your advantage. Thanks for reading and if you want more Cyberpunk 2077 information please look out for it on our Cyberpunk 2077 section on Games Atlas.