River Ward’s nephew, Randy, went missing a little while back, and he needs V’s help in finding him. This is the context for the Cyberpunk 2077 The Hunt Side Job.
Cyberpunk 2077 The Hunt Walkthrough
The Side Job: The Hunt will begin 24 in-game hours after the first side job featuring the character River Ward, I Fought the Law. River will call you asking to meet in the evening at a curbside in downtown Night City.
Once you’ve gone to the location in the evening or waited at the curb when prompted after arriving early, River will show up in his truck and tell V to get in.
If you plan on romancing River, you should read this guide before starting the mission, as there are critical dialogue options and choices you must make correctly to romance him.
After you get in the car, River will talk to V about something that has been bothering him, regarding his nephew Randy. River will show V a news clip featuring the capture of a criminal the media has dubbed “Peter Pan,” and a boy he kidnapped… wearing Randy’s shoes.
Get Inside the NCPD Lab
After arriving outside the NCPD lab, River will ask V to find a way in, as he’s unfamiliar with this building. Following the minimap, you’ll be led down an alley that has a back door you can open with a Technical Ability Level of 12 or higher.
Or, if you don’t have a high enough Technical Ability Level, just hop over the wall here and climb up a yellow ladder. Once you’ve reached the window, open it and go inside the lab.
Use Your Kiroshi Optics to Find the Correct File Cabinet
Once inside, River will follow you and suggest that you both split up to look around for the documents on Anthony Harris, the true name of the serial kidnapper known as “Peter Pan.”
There are various things in each room to scan and analyze, but none of them end up being valuable in finding the documents on Harris. You can read on the laptops in the lab, as well, for more lore and details regarding the experiments the lab conducts. One of the coolest things you can find in this lab, and only during this mission, is the BB (bridge baby) from Death Stranding.
After checking all the outlying rooms, head into the large central room which River went to check out earlier. V will find him investigating a random file cabinet in the room.
From the central room, head to the connected room decorated for BD work with children. Upon scanning the file cabinet in this room, V will find that this is the cabinet containing Harris’ information.
Yawen Packard Interrupts the Investigation
While searching the cabinets, V and River will be interrupted by an old friend of River’s, Yawen Packard.
She’ll ask what you’re both doing here and tell River to get out immediately. You can calm the situation down a bit with the correct dialogue options, but she’ll still tell you to get out for her sake. Since Yawen is a neuroscientist, V can ask her about her knowledge of Arasaka’s Soulkiller, but she says she doesn’t know much about it.
Back to River’s Car, then Off to Joss’ Place
After being kicked out of the lab by Yawen, and on your way out of the lab, you’ll have a chance to talk to Johnny about River’s motives if you have a feminine body type (romantic). Head back to River’s car and get in. You’ll discuss with River the best course of action now, for finding Randy, and he suggests heading over to his sister Joss’ place.
Once you get to Joss’ ramshackle place in the Badlands, follow River inside. River will talk to Joss to ask how she’s been, and that he’s searching for Randy and needs permission to go into Randy’s trailer to look for clues.
Look Through Randy’s Trailer for Clues
Once inside Randy’s trailer, there are various clues that give more insight into who Randy is, what his interests are, and the struggles he’s been going through. The first clue is a pill bottle on the floor of the bathroom near the sink. Scanning this will reveal Randy’s drug dependency and struggles with kicking the habit.
Scanning the record player will reveal the type of music Randy listens to, and V will comment on the quality of the music. You can scan in the same room, the kitchen, to find a key that will later be used to open a drawer in Randy’s room.
Once in Randy’s room, scan around to find more clues. The major clue that will continue the mission is the laptop tucked under Randy’s bed.
River will come over and get the laptop out from under the bed and put it on the table asking V for their help in bypassing Randy’s login. If you have an Intelligence Level of 10, or a Technical Ability of 9, you can bypass the search for the login in Randy’s trailer.
If you couldn’t bypass the login with your attribute levels, then you’ll need to return to the kitchen to take the key you found earlier, and turn on the vinyl player.
V will recognize the title track and it will become an option for the login password. Before returning to River to suggest a password, open the locked drawer next to Randy’s bed for another clue about his relationship with Anthony Harris.
Tell River that you think the password is the name of the title track of the record Randy had on, “Liberum Arbitrium.” That password will work and we’ll have access to Randy’s messages and files. Read through all the messages and River will respond with his assumptions. View the file and you’ll see a strange cartoon of a farmer and his cattle.
After you’ve searched all the messages and files, go to the net on Randy’s laptop and go to the website Drugs are Bad. Click on the red people, as Randy suggests in one of his messages to his friends, and you’ll be taken to a hidden page called “Tony’s Shelter.”
Now, go back to the files on Randy’s computer and open the video again to receive the optional objective “get Harris’ IP address.” You will need an Intelligence Level of 12 or higher to do this, but it isn’t necessary and is only for skipping the need to investigate the BDs later (to get the location where Randy’s being held).
Return to Joss’ Trailer and Stay the Night
River will lead you back to Joss’ trailer to talk with her about what you found, and maybe give her a little hope that you’ll find Randy. After the talk, you’ll both go to bed.
Watch the BD of Harris’ Dreams
River will wake V up in the middle of the night ecstatic that Yawen came through with the BD of Harris’ dreams. V will put on their BD wreath and investigate Harris’ dreams for clues.
Clues in the First Section (The School Cafeteria):
- Visual Clue: The teacher.
- Visual Clue: The bulletin board on the wall of the cafeteria (behind Harris).
- Visual Clue: Approximately 1:23 seconds into the BD, when Harris leaves the cafeteria, there is a trophy in a trophy cabinet.
Clues in the Second Section (The Farm):
- Visual Clue: Harris and the sick cow.
- Visual Clue: Harris’ father.
- Visual Clue: The machine console next to Harris’ Father.
- Visual Clue: Cattle hormone injectors further down the section to the right (behind Harris’ father).
- Visual Clue: Supplements in a feed crate for the cattle.
- Visual Clue: The cartoon Harris watches.
Clues in the Third Section (The Human Farm):
- Visual Clue: The people strapped to tables.
- Visual Clue: The solar panel on the roof.
- Visual Clue: The farm model number on the wall.
Once you exit the third braindance, talk to River about what you discovered. If you found all the major clues in the BD, River will immediately know the place is Edgewood Farm and you’ll both head there right away. If you didn’t uncover enough clues, you’ll have to choose Edgewood Farm or you’ll fail to find Randy.
Edgewood Farm
After you arrive at Edgewood Farm with River, be very cautious as the entire area is littered with mines. Go to the smaller house on the right side of the barn. Investigate the building and loot the items here as you wish, but the room that matters most is the one with the computers.
Underneath the desk is a button you can press to open the secret room to the right side of the desk. In this room is a legendary blunt weapon “Tinker Bell,” a cattle prod Harris, AKA “Peter Pan” modified with sinister intent. Also inside the secret room is a computer you can access to deactivate the turrets and cameras defending the barn.
Exit the smaller house and toss some frag grenades into the minefield to get rid of a lot of mines at once. Or, stand back and shoot the mines that block your path around the barn. Once on the left side of the barn, climb the ladder to the roof and drop through the hole in the roof to gain access to the barn. River will follow you and drop down to ground level, shocked and appalled at what he’s seeing.
River will ask that you go over to the BD control room after he finds Randy and shut off the machine.
After the BD machine is off, go help remove the victims from their restraints and feed hoses. Return to River and help him free Randy.
After Randy is released, Trauma Team will come and take over from here. Talk to River again after you’ve both exited the barn, and select either the dialogue option “Don’t do it,” or “We both will” if you intend to romance River.
This ends the side job The Hunt. The reward for this mission is 1447 Street Cred XP if you managed to save Randy.
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River Ward’s nephew, Randy, went missing a little while back, and he needs V’s help in finding him.
The Hunt Walkthrough
The Side Job: The Hunt will begin 24 in-game hours after the first side job featuring the character River Ward, I Fought the Law. River will call you asking to meet in the evening at a curbside in downtown Night City.
Once you’ve gone to the location in the evening, or waited at the curb when prompted after arriving early, River will show up in his truck and tell V to get in.
It’s suggested that if you plan on romancing River, you should read this guide before starting the mission, as there are critical dialogue options and choices you must make correctly to romance him.
After you get in the car, River will talk to V about something that has been bothering him, regarding his nephew Randy. River will show V a news clip featuring the capture of a criminal the media has dubbed “Peter Pan,” and a boy he kidnapped… wearing Randy’s shoes.
Get Inside the NCPD Lab
After arriving outside the NCPD lab, River will ask V to find a way in, as he’s unfamiliar with this building. Following the minimap, you’ll be led down an alley which has a back door you can open with a Technical Ability Level of 12 or higher.
Or, if you don’t have a high enough Technical Ability Level, just hop over the wall here and climb up a yellow ladder. Once you’ve reached the window, open it and go inside the lab.
Use Your Kiroshi Optics to Find the Correct File Cabinet
Once inside, River will follow you and suggest that you both split up to look around for the documents on Anthony Harris, the true name of the serial kidnapper known as “Peter Pan.”
There are various things in each room to scan and analyze, but none of them end up being valuable in finding the documents on Harris. You can read on the laptops in the lab, as well, for more lore and details regarding the experiments the lab conducts. One of the coolest things you can find in this lab, and only during this mission, is the BB (bridge baby) from Death Stranding.
After checking all the outlying rooms, head into the large central room which River went to check out earlier. V will find him investigating a random file cabinet in the room.
From the central room, head to the connected room decorated for BD work with children. Upon scanning the file cabinet in this room, V will find that this is the cabinet containing Harris’ information.
Yawen Packard Interrupts the Investigation
While searching the cabinets, V and River will be interrupted by an old friend of River’s, Yawen Packard. She’ll ask what you’re both doing here and tell River to get out immediately. You can calm the situation down a bit with the correct dialogue options, but she’ll still tell you to get out for her sake. Since Yawen is a neuroscientist, V can ask her about her knowledge of Arasaka’s Soulkiller, but she says she doesn’t know much about it.
Back to River’s Car, then Off to Joss’ Place
After being kicked out of the lab by Yawen, and on your way out of the lab, you’ll have a chance to talk to Johnny about River’s motives if you have a feminine body type (romantic). Head back to River’s car and get in. You’ll discuss with River the best course of action now, for finding Randy, and he suggests heading over to his sister Joss’ place.
Once you get to Joss’ ramshackle place in the Badlands, follow River inside. River will talk to Joss to ask how she’s been, and that he’s searching for Randy and needs permission to go into Randy’s trailer to look for clues.
Look Through Randy’s Trailer for Clues
Once inside Randy’s trailer, there are various clues that give more insight into who Randy is, what his interests are, and the struggles he’s been going through. The first clue is a pill bottle on the floor of the bathroom near the sink. Scanning this will reveal Randy’s drug dependency and struggles with kicking the habit.
Scanning the record player will reveal the type of music Randy listens to, and V will comment on the quality of the music. You can scan in the same room, the kitchen, to find a key that will later be used to open a drawer in Randy’s room.
Once in Randy’s room, scan around to find more clues. The major clue that will continue the mission is the laptop tucked under Randy’s bed.
River will come over and get the laptop out from under the bed and put it on the table asking V for their help in bypassing Randy’s login. If you have an Intelligence Level of 10, or a Technical Ability of 9, you can bypass the search for the login in Randy’s trailer.
If you couldn’t bypass the login with your attribute levels, then you’ll need to return to the kitchen to take the key you found earlier, and turn on the vinyl player. V will recognize the title track and it will become an option for the login password. Before returning to River to suggest a password, open the locked drawer next to Randy’s bed for another clue about his relationship with Anthony Harris.
Tell River that you think the password is the name of the title track of the record Randy had on, “Liberum Arbitrium.” That password will work and we’ll have access to Randy’s messages and files. Read through all the messages and River will respond with his assumptions. View the file and you’ll see a strange cartoon of a farmer and his cattle.
After you’ve searched all the messages and files, go to the net on Randy’s laptop and go to the website Drugs are Bad. Click on the red people, as Randy suggests in one of his messages to his friends, and you’ll be taken to a hidden page called “Tony’s Shelter.”
Now, go back to the files on Randy’s computer and open the video again to receive the optional objective “get Harris’ IP address.” You will need an Intelligence Level of 12 or higher to do this, but it isn’t necessary and is only for skipping the need to investigate the BDs later (to get the location where Randy’s being held).
Return to Joss’ Trailer and Stay the Night
River will lead you back to Joss’ trailer to talk with her about what you found, and maybe give her a little hope that you’ll find Randy. After the talk, you’ll both go to bed.
Watch the BD of Harris’ Dreams
River will wake V up in the middle of the night ecstatic that Yawen came through with the BD of Harris’ dreams. V will put on their BD wreath and investigate Harris’ dreams for clues.
Clues in the First Section (The School Cafeteria):
Visual Clue: The teacher.
Visual Clue: The bulletin board on the wall of the cafeteria (behind Harris).
Visual Clue: Approximately 1:23 seconds into the BD, when Harris leaves the cafeteria, there is a trophy in a trophy cabinet.
Clues in the Second Section (The Farm):
Visual Clue: Harris and the sick cow.
Visual Clue: Harris’ father.
Visual Clue: The machine console next to Harris’ Father.
Visual Clue: Cattle hormone injectors further down the section to the right (behind Harris’ father).
Visual Clue: Supplements in a feed crate for the cattle.
Visual Clue: The cartoon Harris watches.
Clues in the Third Section (The Human Farm):
Visual Clue: The people strapped to tables.
Visual Clue: The solar panel on the roof.
Visual Clue: The farm model number on the wall.
Once you exit the third braindance, talk to River about what you discovered. If you found all the major clues in the BD, River will know the place is Edgewood Farm immediately and you’ll go there right away. If you didn’t uncover enough clues, you’ll have to choose Edgewood Farm or you’ll fail to find Randy.
Edgewood Farm
After you arrive at Edgewood Farm with River, be very cautious as the entire area is littered with mines. Go to the smaller house on the right side of the barn. Investigate the building and loot the items here as you wish, but the room that matters most is the one with the computers.
Underneath the desk is a button you can press to open the secret room to the right side of the desk. In this room is a legendary blunt weapon “Tinker Bell,” a cattle prod Harris, AKA “Peter Pan” modified with sinister intent. Also inside the secret room is a computer you can access to deactivate the turrets and cameras defending the barn.
Exit the smaller house and toss some frag grenades into the minefield to get rid of a lot of mines at once. Or, stand back and shoot the mines that block your path around the barn. Once on the left side of the barn, climb the ladder to the roof and drop through the hole in the roof to gain access to the barn. River will follow you and drop down to ground level, shocked and appalled at what he’s seeing.
River will ask that you go over to the BD control room after he finds Randy and shut off the machine.
After the BD machine is off, go help remove the victims from their restraints and feed hoses. Return to River and help him free Randy. After Randy is released, Trauma Team will come and take over from here. Talk to River again after you’ve both exited the barn, and select either the dialogue option “Don’t do it,” or “We both will” if you intend to romance River.
This finished the side job The Hunt. The reward for this mission is 1447 Street Cred XP if you managed to save Randy.
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