Unlike Resident Evil and most horror games, Dead By Daylight lets players control the Monster. Among them, we have the Nurse. She is by far one of the most challenging characters to master in Dead by Daylight. Here, you'll learn how to play as the Nurse effectively!
The Nurse is the only killer whose base speed is slower than a survivor's. However, she is also the only killer who can ignore most of the things survivors use against killers.
It takes a long time to use her effectively, especially for those who don't know how to use her unique ability. However, she is unstoppable when mastered.
How To Play As The Nurse: Mastering the Blink
The Nurse's ability is the blink. It allows her to travel great lengths in a straight line. After blinking once, players will have some time to do it again before she gets exhausted and looks down for a couple of seconds.
To survivors, she appears to be teleporting around. It is not instant, though. Instead, she flies towards a destination going through all physical objects in the way.
#1 - Get It Down To Muscle Memory
The blink is quite hard to control. The longer a player holds down the button, the further she will travel. The ability has a maximum reach, which is achieved when she closes her fist.
To stay close after charging all the way, aim down before releasing the button. A short blink after a long charge can trick survivors or avoid letting them go too far from the Nurse.
The second blink won't ever be a long one. Players have a limited time to perform it before the Nurse shows signs of exhaustion, so it can't be charged for too long.
#2 - Approach, Then Adjust
Generally, it is quite hard to Blink next to a survivor at a perfect distance on the first try. Appearing too close might help them to trick the Nurse and escape by turning around completely. On the other hand, landing too far might cause the second attempt not to reach them.
Ideally, the second blink must be done behind the survivors. The perfect blink distance will have enough space for a second one. It will also give the player time to react if the survivors try to run through the Nurse.
#3 - Pay Attention To The Amount of Blinks You Have
The ability works with both a cooldown and a charges system. Players have two charges, and they have a limited time for a second blink. Since the second one is essential to hit an attack, blinking before both charges are restored might cause survivors to create a great distance from the Nurse if the attack is missed.
If the first blink does not make you confident that you can hit someone with the second one, it is better to wait to regain the charge before trying again.
A Nurse's Calling
Using Perks that fit your playstyle is part of the experience of playing Dead by Daylight. Each killer has exclusive perks, but there are some of those that they all can use. The Nurse's Calling is one of the best perks, if not the best, for this monster. It causes the Nurse to see the auras of those who are healing or being healed.
If someone is healing at a blink distance and the Nurse knows where they are, chances are those survivors are about to be hooked.
Final Thoughts
Even the game says the Nurse is hard. This is no understatement. She is slow, missing attacks with her is punishing, and her special ability is hard to control. However, once mastered, she can ignore most of the difficulties that other killers face when tracking survivors!
Don't expect to do well with her in your first trials. Just follow the tips and insist on how to play as the Nurse found here until blinking at the right distance becomes second nature.