Preview of Event
The Study in Potions event cannot be completed in Co-Op mode. However, if you do not have 8 characters built, you can use the 4 trial characters that are offered. Do note that the trial characters do not give you any elemental resonance.
There are a total of 3 different trials, each with 4 floors. The floors have increasing difficulty and you can choose to complete them in any order, or reset them if you are unsatisfied with your score. Completing each floor within a set time will grant a bronze, silver, or gold medal. Before challenging each floor, you will be able to see which enemies you are up against and to choose between a 1x multiplier or 2.5x multiplier to increase your score. Of course, the 2.5x multiplier is significantly more challenging to complete. Defeating the enemies faster will earn you more points, so make sure you're prepared and go for gold!
There are many combinations of potions that you can use with your characters, so this guide will mainly focus on which characters can perform well on each floor.
Do ensure that you bring characters to break shields for enemies, particularly for the Geo Lawachurl, or ensure that you kill the Fatui Agents before they generate shields. It is extremely challenging to break the shields unless you bring the right elements to break each shield. (Hydro for Pyro, Electro and Pyro for Cryo, Cryo for Hydro, Geo for Geo, and any element for Anemo).
In each trial, you will have to bring 4 characters and they cannot be used in the subsequent trial. However, you will be able to use them in the next trial. This is somewhat similar to Spiral Abyss from Floors 5 and above, as 2 teams of 4 are required.
Dusty Wrack Recommendations:
- Floor 1: Pyro/Cryo character for Hydro slimes, strong DPS to kill the Geovishap (Hu Tao, Ayaka)
- Floor 2: Geo character to break Geo Lawachurl shield (Zhongli, Gorou, Ningguang), Crowd control character to group the Hilichurls (Venti, Kazuha, Sucrose)
- Floor 3: Cryo character to freeze Hydro Mimics and to break Electro Fatui Agent shield. Ensure that you kill the Hydrogunner first such that he cannot heal the other Fatui Agents! (Ayaka, Ganyu, Eula, Hu Tao, Yanfei)
- Floor 4: Crowd control character (Venti, Kazuha, Sucrose) to group the Treasure Hoarders.
You should try to use potions of different rarity when completing each trial, particularly when completing the higher difficulties. Potions that buff elemental reactions can be used against Hydro Mimics and Slimes to your benefit. For potions that buff Energy Recharge, it can be incredibly useful for characters with high energy costs for their ultimates such as Ayaka. After completing each challenge and using the potions, you will no longer be allowed to use them. Hence, make sure that you plan ahead!
After completing each stage (with at least 18,000 points), you can obtain:
- 140 Primogems
- 4 Talent books
- 3 Hero's Wit
- 6 Weapon Ascension materials
- 6 Mystic Enhancement Ore
- 80,000 Mora
In order to obtain all rewards, obtain 18,000 points without resetting any of the stages!
We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you will enjoy the new updates in the 2.4 version of Genshin Impact (more information here)! For more information on Xiao, you can refer to this article. Do look out for more Genshin guides from me and let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!