Genshin Impact is full of amazing and charismatic characters, all with their own playstyles and abilities. Those characters can perform in multiple roles, the 2 main ones being, Genshin Impact DPS and Support.
From there onward, they can all fit specified roles in a composition, such as healer, main DPS, sub-DPS, Burst support, and so on.
With that in mind, we will now talk about a few things to keep in mind when building a Physical DPS.
Genshin Impact DPS: Things to Keep in Mind when Building a Physical DPS on Genshin Impact
Just like the name says, the Genshin Impact DPS - Physical DPS is the main damage dealer focused primarily on dealing Physical Damage because of its skills, constellations, talents, and normal/charged ATK scaling, among other things.
In the current state of the game, characters like Razor, Rosaria, and the upcoming Eula, fit the description well.
#1 - It All Starts With a Great Weapon
When building a Physical DPS, selecting the right weapon for the job is the first step, if you want to get the most of your build.
When selecting your weapon, you need to take the needs of your character in mind, but a safe bet is going with weapons that offer CRIT Damage, and CRIT Rate, since those are vita to ant damage dealer, and some of the hardest stats to add up overall.
If you already get enough from your artifacts, choosing a weapon with a great ATK, and an increase in Physical Damage is the best possible choice.
- Different that Elemental DPS's, which can make use of many weapons, and use their passives to increase their overall damage, for a Physical DPS, raw damage needs to be prioritized when picking a weapon.
#2 - Artifacts
On the side of the artifacts, the game offers a wide array of artifacts focused on dealing high damage with your normal attacks, like the brick for every wall Gladiator's Finale, and the Physical focused sets, Pale Flame, and Bloodstained Chivalry.
With that said, just like with any other builds, the artifacts need to fit the selected character's playstyle. Is important to point out, that, if you are planning on using a polearm wielder as a DPS, like Xiangling, or Rosaria, the 4-piece Gladiators Finale's effect, does not affect the passive of the 4-star polearm Crescent Pike, the games best polearm for Physical Builds.
So, if you are planning to use charged attacks a lot, or to increase the overall damage of the Crescent Pike - a 2-piece Gladiator, 2-piece physical focused set would be ideal.
#3 - CRIT Rate and CRIT Damage
As we said above, having a good amount of CRIT Rate and damage is vital to any composition, and according to our own experience (and the studies and builds of many other players on the game's official Reddit and its character-focused communities), a DPS needs to have at least 50% CRIT Rate and 100% CRIT Damage.
- Keep in mind that the ideal amount of CRIT Rate would be between 65% and 75%. And when talking about CRIT Damage, well... The sky is the limit.
#4 - The importance of Reactions
As with everything on Genshin Impact, reactions are vital to any DPS, be it a Physical or an Elemental one. A reaction to keep in mind is Superconduct (Cryo+Elector) which decreases its target's physical resistance by 50%.
Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, mobile devices, and PC. You can also check out our other guides related to Genshin Impact, and much more here, at Games Atlas.