The captain of the famous Crux Fleet and the slayer of the legendary Haishan, Beidou's name is known in all of Lyrue, and her tales of triumph in the sea earned her the title of the ''Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean''.
We will now talk about two builds that are sure to slice your enemies in half and help you summon the rath of thunder upon all that stand in your way. Ready?
The Leviathan Slayer
Our first build will focus on those that want to use Beidou as the main DPS, for this role, is advised for you to have her fourth constellation, ''Stunning Revenge'', unlocked, since it gives her normal attacks 20% additional Electro DMG, after sustaining damage.
As all good DPS, you should focus primarily on her normal attacks, and then go for the elemental attacks. Because of the conditions for their counter, Beidous playstyle is different than most DPS, making her one of the most fun characters to play, because, once you counter an attack at the right time, you will fall in love with it.
The Gladiator's Finale set is our main recommendation since it gives an 18% increase in overall attack and a 35% bonus damage on normal attacks. Since Beidou uses electro a lot, using an Electro DMG Goblet is advised for the best effects.
Finally, the weapon choice may vary depending on your artifact's sub-stats, but as expected, our main choices would be the 5 stars weapons, Wolf's Gravestone, and The Unforged, the latter of which works wonders with her Elemental Burst, ''Stormbreaker'', after unlocking her first constellation.
If you were not lucky enough to get the 5 Stars, the Blackcliff Slasher would be ideal for those that want to focus its artifacts on Crit Rate, even if the weapons effect is not optimal. On the other hand, the Serpent Spine is ideal for those that want to focus on Crit Damage and the Prototype Archaic for those looking for an all-rounder approach to combat.
Full Counter On
Beidou is a character that can work on many fronts, so this time, we will focus on her as a secondary DPS, supporting your team with well-timed, high damaging attacks.
Her Elemental Skill, ''Tidecaller'', will be the key for the role, putting her in the field at the right time for an insane amount of counter damage, as well as using her Elemental Burst to create reactions and do extra elemental damage to your targets.
With that said, the use of a 2 piece Thundering Fury, and a 2 piece Gladiator's Finale is advised since it will give you an 18% increase in Attack, and a 15% increase in Electro Damage. Just like on ''The Leviathan Slayer'', the use of an electro goblet is advised.
On the weapons side, the Serpent Spine, and the Blackcliff Slasher would be our choices, since they would give a healthy amount of damage on top of good stats. You could also use the Debate Club, for a few extra heavy hits after the skill.
Beidou is one of the 4-star characters featured in the Xiao banner, which lasts until February 17, and not only that, if you wish, you can get her for free as part of the Stand by Me event, which will be available on February 10. Don't miss out on the chance to join her crew and see for yourself the power of the Queen of the Crux Fleet.
Genshin Impact is available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices. You can check in more Bediou builds on the game's official Reddit.