Genshin Impact has a wide selection of characters, each one able to perform in multiple roles in a composition. Today, we will talk about Xingqiu, the second heir of The Feiyun Commerce Guild and a defender of justice, always with a book in one hand and a sword in the other.
Now, we will show you a build that you make him capable of raining damage on his enemies as a hight tier support.
Let the Currents Flow
Xingqiu is, without a doubt, one of the best supports in the game, offering damage, protection, and healing your DPS. Not only that but his Elemental Burst, ''Guhua Sword: Raincutter'', not only enables diverse reactions but offers a high amount of Hydro Damage, since it causes rain swords to fall in your enemies every time the character of the field performs is normal and charged attacks.
With that in mind, the build will be focussed on four main points, increasing his burst damage ability, Elemental Damage, Energy Recharge, and Crit Rate/DMG.
On the artifact's side, the Noblesse Oblige full set would be our main recommendation since it increases not only his burst damage but the attack of all the characters in your party after its execution. Remember to use a Hydro DMG Bonus goblet to optimize his burst even more, since this foundation is making him able to use it frequently.
The Royal Flower, part of the Noblesse Oblige set. Original Image: Gesnhin Impact Wiki.
Talent-wise, you should focus on his Elemental Burst, and his Elemental Skill, ''Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen'', for its passive abilities and great damage. Keep in mind that the Skill is not the main focus of the build.
A Sharp Mind and an Even Sharper Blade
From right to left, Skyward Blade, Sacrificial Sword, Festering Desire, and Fillet Blade. Original Images: Genshin Impact Wiki.
On the weapons side, you should focus on 2 main aspects, Energy Recharge, and ATK.
With that said, weapons with an Energy Recharge stat would be ideal. So, between the 5-star weapons, Skyward Blade would be a great choice, even if using a 5-star on a support is not advised in most cases. On the 4-star side, the Sacrificial Sword would be our main choice, since its passive offers a chance to work on Xingqiu's biggest weakness, that is his skill long countdown, the Festering Desire would also be a great choice, for its Elemental skill burst and its increase in CRIT Rate and DMG. The Fillet Blade can also be used if you want to give high doses of damage periodically.
Don't miss out on the chance to get or improve your Xingqiu on the ''Stand by Me'' event, part of the ''All That Glitters'' update, where you can exchange 1000 Peace Talismans for a copy of the character.
Genshin Impact is available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices. You can check in more builds of the character on the game's official Reddit page, and more builds about many of the game's characters here, on Games Atlas.