The Legend of the Vagabond Sword Guide Event has launched on 25 June and involves a domain similar to the Hypostatic Symphony. This guide will explain the flairs for each different boss and list the required difficulties to collect all the rewards.
General Tips
I will update this article daily with new information about each boss as the new domain is released each day. Some general tips for this event are below:
- The difficulty of the boss does not scale with World Level, there is no point lowering your WL or joining a lower AR world to complete it. Your difficulty scales entirely off the Difficulty Selection at the top!
- If you are a low AR player, you can try asking others to play with you in Co-Op to clear the event with a higher score
- Unlike the Energy Amplifier Event, you do not have additional buffs to complete the domain.
- Entering the domain automatically heals all the characters in your party to full health and charges their Ultimate, similar to the Hypostatic event. This means that now is the best time for damage testing in the real world as you don't need to farm for your Ultimate!
- I would recommend ticking a lower HP flair such as 25% and using more time (210s) so that you can complete the domain easily.
- You do not need to use characters that are buffed for the specific domain, you might be better off using already built characters!
- Please read flairs before you tick them, do not pick a nerf for characters not shielded if you do not have a shield character and do not pick nerfs for low HP if you are using Hu Tao.
- Try to bring characters that can benefit from the unique Opponent Elemental RES increase, e.g. bring Anemo and Electro characters so that you can tick off the Pyro and Hydro RES for the Geovishap. Of course, this only applies if you have a variety of characters to choose from.
Primo Geovishap 1/2
- Characters buffed for this domain are: Kazuha, Zhongli, Noelle, Diona
- Only start to attack/use your Ultimate and Elemental skills after the Geovishap has roared. You will do very little damage before the first roar as the DEF and RES of the Geovishap is higher.
- Ensure that you bring characters with shorter Elemental skill cooldowns/characters that can deal Physical DMG or Elemental DMG without Elemental skills. The long cooldown of this domain could make your experience very painful
- Bring a shield character and ensure that you have a shield saved up for when the Geovishap does his burst attack, allowing you to deal more DMG. If you don't have a built shield character, you can bring a Geo character that drops Crystallise shields.
- Recommended characters: Ganyu, Mona, Eula, Xiao
- My own team formation: Diona, Xiao, Eula, Bennett
Oceanid 1/2
- Characters buffed for this domain are: Eula, Rosaria, Klee, Yanfei
- This Oceanid is built similarly to the Oceanid event that we previously had, there are Fitful Rapids and you are able to attack the Oceanid directly in some phases.
- Use the Fitful Rapids to dodge the Oceanid attacks and prevent your characters from dying, preferably bring an Archer to deal damage to the Oceanid when it is in this phase. Catalyst characters do not automatically target Oceanid.
- When the Oceanid causes the floor to bubble, ensure you dodge the bubbles to avoid taking DMG.
- Unlike the Geovishap domain, there is no increased CD for Elemental Skills in this domain.
- Recommended characters: Ganyu, Hu Tao
- My own team formation: Bennett, Eula, Ganyu, Hu Tao
Maguu Kenki 1
- Characters buffed for this domain are: Fischl, Tartaglia, Bennett, Keqing
- I personally feel that this domain is easier than the others and was able to score 5,300 while the others were 4,800. Hence, I would recommend increasing HP by 100% and you should be able to complete it within 120s.
- Bringing a healer is definitely important because the Maguu Kenki is able to one-shot your characters rather easily! You can bring a shield character as well, especially if you have Hu Tao in your team.
- If you do not have a built healer or shield character, you might find it easier to use Geo Traveller to make a small formation on the wall and use Keqing to jump onto the rock formation. Thereafter, you can use Ganyu's charged shots to kill the Maguu Kenkis.
- In the second Maguu Kenki domain, it is possible to fight 3 Maguu Kenkis. However, it is rather challenging to handle 3 at once so I would recommend staying away from that flair.
- Recommended characters: Zhongli, Hu Tao // Ningguang, Eula (for CD)
- My own team formation: Ningguang/Tartaglia, Eula, Zhongli, Bennett
Rewards and Scores
The total rewards you will obtain from this event are below, assuming that you obtain 30,000 Combined Score total:
- 420 Primogems after clearing all domains (regardless of difficulty, this is obtained from the first clear)
- 2 Talent books of each
- 32 Hero's Wit
- 32 Mystic Enhancement Ores
- 360,000 Mora
- 1 Namecard (from 21,000 Combined Score)
In order to obtain 30,000 Combined Score from 7 domains, you will need to clear each domain with an average of 4,285. If you would like to obtain the namecard only, you need a 21,000 Combined Score so each domain requires a 3,000 score on average.
We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you will enjoy the new updates in the 1.6 version of Genshin Impact! Head here to read more about the Inazuma Craftable weapons, here for a Kazuha guide or here for Inazuma Leaks and characters. Let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!