Orpheus and Eurydice, as they appear in one of the game's official arts. IMAGE: Supergiant Games.
Hades, the acclaimed dungeon crawler and Supergiant games' newest success, is filled with amazing characters, filled with charisma and deep on their own right. Do you want to learn how to reunite Orpheus and Eurydice? Bear with me.
Among all of the characters, one of the best is without a doubt Orpheus, that, after falling to rescue the soul of his beloved Eurydice can be found as the court musician of the House of Hades, forever separated from his muse, and partner.
With that in mind, we will now teach you how to reunite Orpheus and Eurydice, bringing a different end to their until-then tragic history.
Hades: How to Reunite Orpheus and Eurydice - A Step-by-Step Guide
#1 - Freeing Orpheus
Before the events of the game, Orpheus, the current court musician for the House of Hades, was put into solitary confinement after refusing to sing, claiming that, after the loss of his muse, he lost his inspiration.
For that, Zagreus needs to free him by buying the Court Musician's Sentence, an item available from the House contractor.
- You can buy the Court Musician's Sentence for 1 Diamond.
After freeing him, Orpheus can be found in the main house of the Hall.
#2 - Finding Eurydice
After freeing Orpheus from his sentence, Zagreus needs to find Eurydice in Asphodel, where the nymph resides after, forever apart from her lover.
To find her, just like with all the other NPCs residing in the upper layers of the world of the Dead, you need to have lady luck by your side.
- - The order of the factor up to this point doesn't alter the end.
#3 - Preparations
Having the Administrative Chamber unlocked is a must to be able to complete the NPCs favors. So, make sure to check that off the list.
#4 - Reuniting Orpheus and Eurydice
Now, get ready, because things start to get tricky.
Follow the steps below:
- After meeting both, you need to talk to them and increase Zagreus' affinity with both to at least 5 hearts. Then, talk to Eurydice, who will give Zagreus the following quote: ''What happens now, hon...? What I mean is... now you got me thinking about Orpheus again, so... what am I supposed to do with that?''
- After that, you will need to talk to Nyx, after getting her up to 5 hearts, where they will talk about the Administrative Chamber.
- Then, you will need to talk to Hades after getting Orpheus to sing again, which will happen as you increase their affinity.
- To end, you will need to talk to Nyx again, so that she can give you the location of the file which allows Orpheus to visit his beloved again.
After following all the steps above, you will need to buy the item Court Musician's Sentence, available at the house contractor for 3 Diamonds, and now the musicians would be able to meet again.
Hades is currently available for PC- via Steam, and the Epic Games Store- and for the Nintendo Switch. You can check out our other guides related to the game here.
What are you waiting for, go get in Zagreus' burning shoes and dive deep into the underworld as you help him reach the surface and discover the truth behind who he truly is!