In this article, we will present your Hogwarts Legacy Spells Tier List based on our experience.
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Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game and it is set in the Wizarding World universe, based on the Harry Potter novels.
It's an open–world game that gives you the perfect opportunity to discover the magical world on your own inside and outside of Hogwarts magic school.
Hogwarts Legacy Spells Tier List
The Hogwarts Legacy Spells Tier List will be divided into three categories: Must Have, Usefull, and Looks Nice. The spells are restricted to usage in fights or exploring in case of non–combat spells. Let's get into it:
Must Have for Battle
- Avada Kedavra – A spell that instantly kills an enemy. Despite being an unforgivable spell there is no drawback to using it and has a nice combo build with it.
- Confringo – A long–range bolt that deals damage on impact. Enemies hit with fire–based attacks will continue to take damage for a few seconds, during which time collisions will result in an incendiary burst. Also allows you to get through red shields.
- Crucio – Another unforgivable spell that causes most enemies to writhe in pain as they take damage over time. Also curses the victim and cursed enemies take increased damage. The talent for it is very useful because it allows you to curse enemies that are nearby the target you are using Crucio at.
- Imperio – And the last of the three unforgivable spells. It temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. It also curses the target and the talent for it allows the them to curse another enemies.
Must Have for Exploring
- Lumos – A spell that allows you to see in the dark areas or solve puzzles that require extra light
- Accio – Pulls a variety of objects and enemies to close range. The heavier and magical objects require sustained effort to pull close.
Useful for Battle
- Accio – Pulls a variety of objects and enemies to close range. Also allows you to get through purple shields.
- Bombarda – Deals heavy damage on impact accompanied by an explosion. Also allows you to get through red shields.
- Diffindo – Slashes objects and enemies from afar dealing considerable damage. Also allows you to get through red shields.
- Glacius – Freezes enemies and increases the damage they take from the follow–up attacks. Also allows you to get through yellow shields.
- Levioso – Levitates objects and enemies. Also allows you to get through yellow shields.
Useful for Exploring
- Bombarda – Creates an explosion that can destroy heavy obstacles.
- Confringo – A long–range bolt that deals damage on impact. It allows you to light a fire for lamps, or fire pits.
- Depulso – Pushes and spins a variety of objects.
- Disillusionment – Causes you to blend into your surroundings making it more difficult for others to perceive you. Perfect for stealth clearing bandit camps.
- Flipendo – Flips objects upward and backward.
- Levioso – Levitates objects and enemies. After casting this spell the object stays still for a while.
- Wingardium Leviosa – Levitates and controls movable object
Looks Nice for Battle
- Arresto Momentum – Slows enemies and gives you extra time to plan your next move. Also allows you to get through yellow shields.
- Depulso – Deals no direct damage and pushes enemies backward. Also allows you to get through purple shields.
- Descendo – Deals no damage but objects and enemies that are slammed to the ground will suffer considerable damage. Also allows you to get through purple shields.
- Expelliarmus – Disarms wands and weapons from most enemies who wield them. Also allows you to get through red shields.
- Flipendo – Flips enemies upward and backward. Also allows you to get through purple shields.
- Incendio – The spells deal significant damage but have a very short range. Also allows you to get through red shields.
- Transformation – Transforms enemies into alternate forms. Also allows you to get through yellow shields.
Looks Nice for Exploring
- Arresto Momentum – Slows objects and gives you extra time.
- Reparo – Allows you to quickly return certain damaged objects to their former states.
Credits: Avalanche Softwere
And that would be all for the Hogwarts Legacy Spells Tier List. Now you can use the list to set your skill sets to be comfortable for your gameplay. Mischief managed.
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