We give you all the steps so that you can overcome step by step all the puzzles that you find in Maquette, and thus finish the adventure.
Chapter 3
- Go to the purple house, and hit the switch inside. Afterward, go out and go towards the gigantic purple house, and use the rake to climb up to the railing. You can go to the right, and climb up to reach the top of the plants, and go jumping to the door.
- Inside the purple house, look in the little greenhouse and grab the wedge (or ramp). Go back to the dome.
- In the model, position the ramp so that you can jump over the broken fence as shown below.
- Ramp Puzzle Maquette
- In the "normal-size" world, jump the gate up the wedge and activate the levers on the houses with the doors open.
- Go back to the dome and place the wedge/ramp on the gated house, so you can go up the ramp to the door.
- Leave the dome, and head towards the gated house. It passes by to reach a third version of the house, much larger.
- Sneak under the fence, climb the wedge/ramp and enter the interior of the house.
- Inside, jump up the pipes and jump towards the chair. From there, jump back to the highest pipe and go to the red light to pull the lever
- Go back to the dome, and increase the size of the wedge/ramp. Place the wedge outside the walls of the dome, in one of the corners where there are now operational switches to activate elevators. For example, where we show you below ...
- Wedge Puzzle Maquette
- Now, go down the elevator, go up the wedge/ramp and enter the interior of the two houses to pull the levers.
- Go back to the dome, reduce the size of the ramp/wedge, and now, place it in the two-story house as we show you in the image below.
- Wedge Puzzle Maquette
- Go to the ramp, and go up the hole in sight on the far side of the house. From there, jump to the ledge where the lamp is, skirt the house, from there, jump to the railing of the wedge to be able to ascend and reach the door of the house.
- Enter through the hole in the wall (or mousetrap) and collect the key to the mousetrap.
- Return to the dome, and unlock the closed door of the cathedral.
- Take the wedge of the model and make it grow to be able to ring the bell at the top of the cathedral.
Chapter 4
- You must follow the path until you reach the elevator, and pull the lever to go down to the maze.
- As soon as you go down, collect the crystal ball. If you look at the ground through it you will see some yellow marks, which indicate where to go. It has no loss, it is easy.
- Maquette how to get out of the maze
- Follow these yellow markings and don't be afraid to go through false walls: they look like a rock, but as soon as you get closer they disappear. On a couple of occasions, it is the only way to advance and follow the trail of the yellow marks.
- Do not leave the crystal ball at any time, take it to the light through the light with floating crystals around.
Chapter 5
- Follow the path until you reach a lever and pull it to cross the bridge.
- Pull the next lever you come across and cross the new bridge.
- Afterward, you will see a smaller-scale reproduction of the network of bridges in which you are. You must place the small bridge fragment that is on the ground, by the rocks, in the hole that is broken.
- Maquette broken bridges chapter 5
- After placing it, press in this reproduction on a smaller scale the lever of a flying platform that enables the last bridge.
- Make your way over the bridges to get to the dome. Inside you will advance through some grey corridors until you reach three pieces on the floor.
- You must place them this way, as shown below) to be able to ascend the wall of the adjoining room.
- How to solve the puzzle of the three stone blocks in Maquette
- Once at the top, you will come to a room with two small pits in the floor. Take the key from the pit on the right, and put it in the pit on the left, so that the key forms a ramp.
- Go to the next room, climb up the huge key to get a different key. Return with her to the room with the two pits in the ground.
- If you cannot open the door with the key, put it in the hole on the left so that a smaller version appears on the right, with which you can open the door.
- Once past the door, keep moving forward until you reach a room with a puzzle with two boards on the floor.
- Take the puzzle piece from the left corner first. Place this piece of the puzzle on the board on the left as shown below these lines
- Do the same with the board on the right, and the puzzle piece on the right, only this time, place it as shown below.
- Maquette puzzle solution two pieces on two boards
- Now go through the path you have formed to reach the crystal in the cave on the other side.
As you can see, they are Maquette's puzzle solution, they are not particularly complicated, and once you understand the game, they can be even simple, and in fact, you can spend the adventure in an afternoon, but still, there are some moments when It is not at all strange to get stuck, and that is why this Maquette guide will be of great help to you.