We show you how to tame cats in Minecraft, and also how to take advantage of them once they are our friends.
How to Tame Cats in Minecraft?
Cats are one of the best pets you can have in Minecraft, adorable animals that could be our most faithful companions, but also give us a series of advantages in the games.
When cats have introduced a while ago, many people had doubts about how to tame them, and once tamed, what exactly to do with them. There was also doubt about how to find a series of cats, especially those of black color, and they are also currently possible in Minecraft.
So we are going to tell you how to tame cats in the best way in Minecraft, and also where to find them as quickly as possible.
Cats in Minecraft are stray animals, and they are very rare to find in nature, so the place where they usually appear is in villages. Stray cats appear in villages with at least one villager and four beds, and up to 10 cats may appear per village, of different coats.
However, the defendant's black cat does not usually go out in the villages, and if you want it, you will have to approach the witch hunts in the swamps. It is possible to get a black cat in the village when there is a full moon.
So how to tame cats in Minecraft? It is quite simple, but the first thing you should do is collect a large amount of fish such as raw cod, although it would also do us with raw salmon. These fish can be found in any lake or river near a village.
When you have enough units of fish, approach a stray cat, and feed him salmon or cod until hearts appear above his head. When it has been fed enough, these hearts will disappear and the cat will gain a collar, with which it will be already tamed.
What to do With Domesticated Cats in Minecraft?
When you already have a domesticated cat, they will follow you wherever you go unless you order them to stay. Note that these animals are moving throughout the village and even through the houses, and it is likely that at some point you will have to remove them if they are in front of a chest.
On certain occasions, these cats will sleep next to their owner in bed, and when you wake up in the morning they could give you a gift such as a rabbit's foot, or food.
The peculiarity of cats is that they always land standing up, and therefore do not suffer damage from falls, so do not worry if they start climbing through the different houses in the village.
These animals are also capable of protecting us against enemies, and if we are being chased by a ghost, the cat will scare them away. On the other hand, it is also capable of repelling other types of monsters, so having cats in the village also ensures that some monsters cannot enter it.
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