Is A Plague Tale Requiem on PS4 and Xbox One going to launch? That's the question that many players may ask considering the upcoming premiere of the game. Will you be able to play on older-generation consoles? Do you need to upgrade?
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Read on in this article to learn if A Plague Tale Requiem is going to launch on PS4 and Xbox One.
Is a Plague Tale Requiem on PS4 and Xbox One? More About the Game
Is a Plague Tale Requiem on PS4 Xbox One Ever Coming?
Credit: Focus Entertainment
The developer had confirmed that there are no plans to release A Plague Tale Requiem on PS4 and Xbox One. There won't be a version of the game for the previous generation of consoles, as the game is too advanced graphically and it wouldn't be playable.
If you are willing to buy a new console or have a powerful enough PC you'll be able to play the game on October 18, 2022, as It premiers worldwide on PS5, Xbox series X/S and PC.
What Type of Game Is a Plague Tale Requiem?
Credit: Focus Entertainment
A Plague Tale Requiem is a sequel to the game A Plague Tale: Innocence from the french developer called Asobo Studio. It is an adventure and RPG type of game with a TPP perspective. The game is embedded in medieval times and has a unique graphical style.
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The game features a story of Amicia and her brother Hugo, siblings fighting for survival in a country overtaken by the events of war and a supernatural curse.
After escaping their devastated homeland and the other events from the precious title, they had to travel south and explore new regions and cities in case to survive. In an attempt to cure Hugo's curse, they stumble upon a prophesized island that may be the answer to their problem.
The Game’s Prequel
Credit: Focus Entertainment
For those people that will not be able to acquire new hardware to play A Plague Tale Requiem in the nearest future, there is always an option to try out the previous title.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is available on the older generation of consoles, has lower system requirements, and at this point is dirt cheap on any place that you can buy it from. Playing the previous game will make you ready to jump onto the sequel.
A Plague Tale Requiem on PS4 and Xbox One Summary
Sadly the newest Asobo Studio's title won't be on PS4 and Xbox One but you can still play the previous title when waiting for an upgrade.
For more coverage on A Plague Tale Requiem and other games, keep tuning into Games Atlas!