The newest addition to the League of legends roster has been recently revealed and is available to play on PBE. Gwen, the doll brought to life by magic, is aiming to help put the world right. She is set to play a major part in the story of Viego the Ruined king.
In this LOL Gwen Rundown, I'll tell you what you need to know about Gwen, the hallowed seamstress!
Gwen's Abilities
Passive: Thousand Cuts
Gwen's basic attacks deal bonus on-hit magic damage based on a percentage of her enemies' maximum health. Basic attacks against champions will heal her for some of the damage dealt.
Q: Snip Snip!
Gwen rapidly snips her scissors between two and six times, dealing magic damage in a cone. At a minimum, Gwen will snip twice, adding one snip per basic attack she has landed on an enemy (up to four for a total of six).
Enemies in the center of each snip take true damage, as well as the bonus magic damage from Thousand Cuts
W: Hallowed Mist
Gwen spins up the Hallowed Mist to surround her for five seconds, gaining some armor and magic resist when in it. Enemies outside the Mist cannot target Gwen or hit her with any abilities. The mist will move to follow Gwen the first time she tries to leave it but will dissipate the next time.
E: Skip 'n Slash
Gwen dashes a short distance and empowers her attacks with increased range, speed, and on-hit magic damage for four seconds. Attacking an enemy during this time refunds 50% of this ability’s cooldown.
R: Needlework
Gwen can cast Needlework up to three times, but needs to hit an enemy within 8 seconds to unlock each subsequent cast. Each cast fires needles in a line that deal magic damage, slow enemies, and apply Gwen's Thousand Cuts bonus magic damage.
The first cast will fire one needle, the second will fire three, and the final cast will fire five, for a total of nine needles and nine applications of Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.
Gwen's expected Build: Skin
Gwen's release skin is part of the Space groove line which features skins for Blitzcrank, Nasus, Lux, Lulu, Samira, and Rumble. The skin line is set in a universe powered by mysterious energy known as the groove in which champions fight back against harsh vibes.
Final Thoughts on Gwen
Gwen's kit brings some new twists to older skills along with a pretty cool Pinocchio aesthetic. The plan is for her to be a top lane, which, in my opinion, would be welcome as there are very few viable ap top laners that aren't tanks. From a lore perspective, it will be interesting to see how a big of a role she plays in Viego's story as it plays out across multiple Riot titles throughout the year. Who knows, maybe her original creator Isolde could possibly make a return.
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