In this guide, we explain how to acquire the Platinum trophy for Persona 5 Strikers!
[PLATINUM] True Phantom Thief
Earned all trophies.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Lust Closed
Completed the Shibuya Jail.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Vanity Conquered
Completed the Sendai Jail.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Gluttony Torched
Completed the Sapporo Jail.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Desolation Condemned
Completed the Okinawa Jail
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Wrath Collapsed
Completed the Kyoto Jail.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Cage of Arrogance Cracked
Completed the Osaka Jail.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Humanity’s Companion
Completed the Jail of the Abyss.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[SILVER] Walk Your Own Path
Completed the Tree of Knowledge.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Back in Business
Witness the Phantom Thieves’ reunion.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Farewell to the Past
Wolf awakened his Persona.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] A Newfound Heart
Sophia found strength of heart.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] It’s Showtime!
Activated Showtime.
This trophy is automatically earned when you first activate Showtime by pressing circle and triangle at the same time.
[BRONZE] Seeker of Power
Used Incense.
Throughout the game, you will receive Incense items as rewards, either from chests or requests. Using one will unlock this trophy.
[BRONZE] Unshakeable Teamwork
Performed an All-Out Attack 150 times.
This trophy requires you to perform an all-out attack 150 times. When you hit an enemy’s weakness, its gauge goes down and eventually it will be knocked down. Once that happens, press the button prompt to do an all-out attack. The trophy unlocks when you have performed this action 150 times.
[BRONZE] Know Your Enemy
Hit the enemy’s weakness 300 times.
To unlock this trophy, you need to hit enemy weaknesses 300 times. You can determine their weaknesses by using Analysis or when using your Persona to attack. Striking an enemy’s weakness 300 times will unlock the trophy. However, you need to do a minimum of 300 battles to unlock this trophy as the counter only goes up once per fight. You cannot farm this trophy off a single enemy.
[BRONZE] Phantom Striker
Defeated 200 enemies with a Phantom Dash.
Phantom Dash moves are the attacks you perform by pressing triangle when on top of certain environmental items such as cars, lamps, skateboards, sword piles etc. Defeating 200 enemies in this manner will unlock this trophy.
[BRONZE] All That Glitters
Defeated 10 Treasure Demons.
Treasure demons are the red jewel-looking creatures in jails. You will encounter at least one as part of the set storyline, allowing you to become familiar with the mechanics of these fights. Once you strike them, you only have 30 seconds to defeat them. Defeating 10 of them will unlock this trophy.
[SILVER] Death Defied
Defeated the Reaper.
The Reaper is a secret boss that only appears when the following requirements have been fulfilled.
- Finished the main storyline,
- Defeat all the Jail bosses as part of the Painful Past requests,
- Defeated all Dire Shadows (sub-bosses) in all Jails,
- Defeated the stronger version of all Jail bosses as part of the Painful Past+ requests.
Once all of these are complete, you will receive a final request to fight The Reaper found at the very end of the Okinawa Jail.
[SILVER] Mask Connoisseur
Complete the Inmate Registry.
This trophy is unlocked upon obtaining all Personas. Keep in mind, it does require New Game+ as the final Persona is only available then. Other Personas can only be obtained by fulfilling certain requests that give their fusion items. Keep an eye out for our guides on requests and personas!
[BRONZE] Best Friend
Maxed out a BOND skill level.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Eternal Bonds" trophy.
[GOLD] Eternal Bonds
Maxed out all BOND skill levels.
To unlock this trophy, you need to unlock all Bond skills and upgrade them to the maximum level. This trophy is best to be saved for the home stretch grind while platinum hunting as you will need a LOT of Bond points. These points are earned from pretty much everything in the game – requests, friend activities, defeating bosses, etc. It takes quite a while to get to Rank 99, and some of the level cap increases are tied to completing requests. Fortunately, you can repeat the request “Angel of Contracts Descends” for the Strong Shadow [Metatrom] in the final jail in the game, which gives 15,000 XP each time for a relatively short battle. Grind this boss out to get enough points.
[BRONZE] Eye for Talent
Spent Persona Points to strengthen a Persona’s stats.
Late in the game, you will unlock the ability to level up each Persona parameter individually. Doing this will unlock the trophy.
NOTE: This is NOT the same as simply leveling up your Persona using Persona Points. It can be confusing, but simply leveling up your Personas will not count towards this trophy.
[BRONZE] Knife in the Dark
Perform 50 ambushes.
In Jails, you can sneak up behind enemies and ambush them by pressing the triangle button. Doing this 50 times unlocks this trophy.
[SILVER] Best of the Best
Trained all Phantom Thieves to level 70.
This trophy is rather self-explanatory. All you need to do is level up all characters to level 70 in order to unlock this trophy. You should be fairly close to achieving this by the end of the game. If not, you can grind out some of the repeatable requests such as defeating Dire Shadows to get some decent experience points.
[BRONZE] What are Friends For?
Cleared all special requests from Phantom Thieves.
This trophy is missable, so make sure you follow our tips exactly. Talk to your friends every day and prioritise finishing their requests as soon as possible. Some might require story progress to complete their requests. Keep backup saves in case the trophy doesn’t pop when you finished all the requests.
[BRONZE] Who Dares Wins
Defeated a Dire Shadow.
Dire Shadows are optional mini-bosses that look like shadows with electricity on them. You should only attempt these bosses when you’re at a high level, so avoid them early on at the game.
[SILVER] The Most Daring of All
Defeated all Dire Shadows.
This trophy unlocks when you defeat all eight Dire Shadows (one for each jail). They’re usually close to one of the checkpoints of the jail, so they won’t be that hard to find.
[BRONZE] Ultimate Trump Card
Obtained all Master Arts for Joker.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Jolly Roger
Obtained all Master Arts for Skull.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Gentleman Thief
Obtained all Master Arts for Mona.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Flame Dancer
Obtained all Master Arts for Panther.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Peerless Blade
Obtained all Master Arts for Fox.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Fist of Justice
Obtained all Master Arts for Queen.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Sophisticated Lady
Obtained all Master Arts for Noir.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Technological Marvel
Obtained all Master Arts for Sophie.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] Repentant Fang
Obtained all Master Arts for Wolf.
This trophy can be unlocked as part of the more elaborate "Master Thieves" trophy.
[GOLD] Master Thieves
Obtained all Master Arts for all characters.
Each character has 4 combos/skills they can learn, called "Master Arts". These are visible under the Stats menu. Unlocking all four Master Arts for each character requires filling a progress bar, which can be done by simply killing enemies with the character you want to level. Once you unlock all 4 skills for a character, it will earn their individual trophy. Doing so for all the characters unlocks all of those trophies and earns you the "Master Thieves" trophy.
[BRONZE] A Helping Hand
Completed a request.
To unlock this trophy, all you need to do is complete one request. You will receive the first request in the second jail.
[SILVER] Those Who Heed the Call
Completed 50 requests.
To unlock this trophy, you need to complete 50 requests. Keep in mind, however, while this trophy only accounts for 50 requests, you will need to do almost all of them to acquire the platinum as a lot of requests are tied to Bond skills and Personas.
[BRONZE] Item Sweeper
Obtained a total of 200 items from the Jails.
To unlock this trophy, you need to collect the floating cubes/boxes found in Jails. Simply collect 200 of these during your playthrough.
[BRONZE] Short Order Cook
Cooked food for the first time.
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Master Chef
Cooked 12 types of food.
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to cook 12 different recipes throughout your playthrough. There are 19 recipes in total, but most are missable. Try to buy as many ingredients as possible each day to have enough of them for each dish. Here is a list of all recipes in the game. Should you miss any, you can rebuy them from Sophia in the RV later on.
- Leblanc Coffee – Story event
- Leblanc Curry – Story event
- Gyutan Stew – Gyutan Restaraunt in Sendai Station area of Sendai – buy it for 1620 Yen
- Salmon Bowl – Outdoor Café “Café Blue” in Mt. Aoba Park area of Sendai – buy it for 900 Yen
- Miso Ramen – Sapporo – Sapporo No 1 Ramen – buy it for 850 Yen
- Seafood Bowl – Sapporo – Seafood Bowl Shop – buy it for 1000 Yen
- Jingisukan – Sapporo – Talk to ann on 8/11
- Kyoto Curry – During story progression, the first Kyoto visit
- Goat Soup – Okinawa – buy it in Bento Store for 1300 Yen
- Okinawa Soba – Okinawa – Haisai HAOMA Café on the beach – buy it for 800 Yen
- Goya Chanpuru – Okinawa – Speak to Futaba after completing the Jail
- Kushikatsu – Osaka – Talk to Yusuke on 8/24
- Okonomiyaki – Osaka – buy it from Lucky Lucky for 1100 Yen
- Osaka Sushi – Osaka – buy it from Nanaya Sushi & Staples for 3500 Yen
- Crab Hot Pot – Osaka – buy it from Crab Empire for 6600 Yen
- Obanzai – Osaka – Obtained through “Obanzai Ingredients” Request from Haru
- Churrasco – Reward for “Employee Course Correction” Request
- Master Curry – Complete the Tree of Knowledge stealth request
- Master Coffee – Complete the Tree of Knowledge Mona cube Request
[BRONZE] Impulse Buyer
Bought something during a limited-time sale.
To unlock this trophy you need to purchase an item when it is on sale. This is done via Sophia's Online Shop, and the items on sale will be marked with a sale icon. This generally happens after you have completed one of the requests to expand Sophia's stock.
[BRONZE] A Little Memento
Obtained a souvenir for the camper.
Clearing requests from your friends and talking to them regularly earns you a gift from them. However, the items you need for this trophy are special souvenir items that are different from the random gifts. These souvenirs are for the RV and are given during your last opportunity to explore an area, just before you leave to travel to the next location. Speak to all of your companions before you go, and one will give you a souvenir. The most notable opportunity to do this is by speaking to Yusuke on August 8th before leaving Sendai. The item is the Tanabata Decoration, acquiring which unlocks the trophy.
[BRONZE] Treasure Hunter
Opened 50 treasure chests.
There are multiple treasure chests hidden in each Jail and opening 50 of them will unlock this trophy. In later Jails, chests will require you to buy the lockpicking Bond Skill to open them. Chests respawn on revisiting Jails, so you can get way more than 50.
[GOLD] No Looking Back
Started New Game+ on Merciless difficulty.
Once you beat The Reaper optional boss, you will have a "Mastered" save file that will allow you to create a New Game+ save. You can also choose Merciless as a difficulty. Simply starting a New Game+ on Merciless will unlock this trophy (you don't actually have to complete the game on Merciless for it). Simply quit the game afterward and reload your save again and play on an easier difficulty instead for your cleanup in NG+.
That's it for our guide on Persona 5 Strikers Platinum trophy! Feel free to check out our other guides on our website!