The Peripheral Episode 3 Review – what's new, and how the story continues?
Unquestionably, The Peripheral is among the better-produced science fiction programs available. The production design, costume design, VFX, SFX, CGI, sound design, and detailed world-building in its first two episodes were among the best.
READ MORE: The Peripheral First Impressions – Hopes and Predictions
The supporting cast gives some really good performances. However, the show completely falls flat when it comes to character development, the hand-to-hand combat scenes, and Chlo Grace Moretz's performance (who happens to be the series lead, FYI).
Therefore, it is interesting and thought-provoking when the show discusses truth and fiction, time travel, the inevitable annihilation of humanity, what makes a person, and the idea of free will.
One small thing I appreciate about this episode and which I am going to spoil is that it revealed why the series is called The Peripheral — peripherals are the bodies/robots made only for people to transfer their conscience into, temporarily. It’s such a small non-important reveal, but it brings me a bit of joy.
Credits: Amazon Prime Video
The Peripheral Episode 3 Review – The Plot
Episode 3 of The Peripheral does not start out as you may anticipate. You find out about Corbell Pickett's harshness at the beginning in the past. Later, we return to the present.
This needs to be said right away. This episode definitely outperforms the previous two. The episode then shifts to the primary plot of the show, which centres on Flynne and how she utilizes a peripheral to communicate with people in the future, as well as how other forces seek to eliminate her for the same reason.
We learn at the beginning of the episode that Flynne and Burton are building an arsenal with the funds they received from Wilf and the gang in order to defend themselves against any forces who could try to attack them.
Flynne disagrees with this, and Burton disagrees that Flynne told Billy Anne, who has ties to Corbell Pickett, the truth about their lives. After Flynne arrives in the future, Burton decides to take out Pickett first after learning that someone is trying to hire Pickett to kill her and her family.
Wilf and Flynne are still looking for Aelita.
Flynne's peripheral stands out like a sore thumb as they go through the actual world, and a police officer approaches them. In the course of helping them escape their predicament, Wilf and the two have a passionate moment.
We learn about Wilf and Aelita's earlier lives. Corbell is spoken to, or rather threatened with, by Burton, who even makes a weekly cash offer in exchange for Corbell leaving his sister and family alone. Corbell asks Jasper to find out what the Fishers are involved in as the program comes to a close.
The persons associated with Dr. Cherise, who attempted to kill Aelita in the first episode, face Flynne and Wilf after they finally solve the mystery of Aelita's location.
READ NOW: The Peripheral Episode 2 Review – Game Changer? – Spoiler Free!
Credits: Amazon Prime Video
The Peripheral Episode 3 Review – Summary
Instantly captivating, utterly relatable, and unlike any other sci-fi on TV right now, The Peripheral is a cyberpunk show that basically reinvents the genre.
The Peripheral Episode 3 Review shows that the series may not be for everyone, but if you’re craving serious sci-fi that’s also down-to-Earth, The Peripheral is unlike any other show you’ve seen.
A particular stand-out here is T'Nia Miller, who, fresh from her show-stopping role in Foundation, might be the most intense and interesting thing about the entire show.
It’s unfortunate that the new villains in this series are so one-dimensional, but hopefully, they will grow on us – as well as the whole mystery still existing.
Will you continue to watch to find out what happens to Flynne and her family? Let us know in the comments below!
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