Now that Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced for free to PS Plus subscribers, the number of people to try out this game will certainly increase. The Materia system is a very exciting way of customizing very unique characters to your own taste. Besides expressing yourself and tailoring the game to your personal playstyle, the Materia System can be very helpful in certain battles. So, if you want a hand with Final Fantasy VII Remake, you came to the right place!
Cure and Magnify
Magnify is a Materia that once combined with another, increases the area of effect of a Spell. For instance, Fire and Magnify causes a large fire explosion instead of targeting a single creature. Thankfully, you can use that o apply effects to your allies as well. Having Magnify linked to Cure allows you to heal all your party members at once by using a single ATB Gauge. That provides a significant advantage in combat because you can save a lot of ATB bars for attacks and shields.
Steadfast Block, Auto-Cure, and Provoke
This combo is great for when you have a member in your party that you don't want to micromanage much. It works very well on Barret, who you only really need if you can't reach the enemy. By adding Steadfast Block to him, his ATB will increase much faster. That combined with Auto-Cure will make him stay alive you wait for his ATB bars to fill. Provoke will make him a target, but that with Auto-Cure and Steadfast Block only makes him build ATB faster while giving you a chance to attack with Cloud or another character.
This is a very good combination of Materia for those who don't really like to be always switching characters during the combat.
Elemental and Fire, Lightning, or Ice
If you combine Elemental and one of those 3 green Materia, you'll have a different effect based on the gear that the Materia is slotted in. Lightning with Elemental in a weapon will greatly increase your damage output. Besides that, by combining Elemental with one of these 3 Materia, you'll get bonus damage based on the Green Materia's element. Adding that to your armor will grant you damage resistance instead.
If you keep that in mind when you know the foe you're about to face, the right combination will make you able to handle a lot more damage. Not only that, but it can also make it much easier to damage and stagger enemies.
HP Absorption and Deadly Dodge
This one is an easy one to use and is great for your main character or front liner. Every time that you dodge and attack, you'll get HP back. This is especially strong with wide attacks, such as Cloud's, which allow you to regain HP for each attack that you land. The more enemies you hit, the more HP you regain.
Have we forgotten any combination that can help beginners? Did you find a really strong Materia combination when you were playing? If so, help us out by sharing in the comment section your favorite Materia Combos!