Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 recently released, and there are some big changes to the base weapons in Warzone. This guide will give you some help when you are torn over which gun to pick up and drop. This guide is only for base weapons that are found as loot in Warzone as of Season 4.
PP19 Bizon
This weapon is one of my favorites in CQC (Close quarters combat). It holds 64 rounds in one mag and its mobility is good. The fire rate is decent and the reload speed is pretty good, but I would not worry about that too much because of the 64-round mag. The great part about his gun is that it never stops firing. I have gotten so many kills with it because when you are up against someone with a smaller magazine size it will shred.
The MP7 is a long time favorite of mine because of the damage and the fire rate. The CQC is really good, and probably one of the best in multiplayer too. In long-range, the MP7 is not as good but it can do some decent damage. If we are comparing it to the PP19 Bizon, the damage, fire rate, and mobility are all better. Also, without any attachments, the gun still has a 45 round mag and reloading is about as fast as the PP19 Bizon. It is a solid gun for sure, and one that will be great in Warzone.
The M13 is highly underrated in Warzone. People think just because the pros use the Grau and M4 the M13 is bad. I prefer the M13 over the RAM-7 and FAL. The M13 is very versatile, only one issue, mobility. I would suggest using the M13 for medium to long-range combat, but for CQC I suggest using a submachine gun. It has a default 30 round magazine and the green version is silenced. I suggest trying to get on top of buildings because with a height advantage this gun is really good.
The RAM-7 is a fast-firing bullpup Assault Rifle. If you just landed and you pick it up, I suggest trying to find some ammo. I remember I was once in a match with my friend, he had just bought me back, and I landed on a RAM-7. We found another duo and I ran out of ammunition after downing one of them, and I only had 5 bullets left. This cost us the game. The gun is great, but it is crucial that you at least have 3 spare mags or 90 extra bullets. Reload speed is fine, around the same as the M4 or Grau. I think this weapon, in my opinion, is better for multiplayer.
Honestly, the FAL is a little underrated. After the buff, the FAL is a three-shot in the head. If you have a decent trigger finger the FAL will be really good for you. I think it is better when you are using a submachine gun as a secondary because the FAL is a little hairy in CQC It has a 20 round mag as default and reload speed is really good in my opinion. There is one thing about it that I don't like which is mobility, but then again, no gun is perfect. The recoil is a little bad but the damage it puts out overshadows the recoil.
Normally speaking, the M4 is amazing. It has the right amount of recoil and mag size. The one that you pick up off the ground has the burst modification. This means it fires in 3 round bursts. At a range, one burst does a little less than 100 damage. In my opinion, this is bad. I think this because in warzone you want to be able to keep firing, and if your gun cannot do that at least you want to be able to do a decent amount of damage as we saw in the FAL. You would be better off taking a FAL than an M4 in Warzone because of range and damage. I would just like to say one more thing, in your custom loadout, by all means, use the M4, it is one of the best guns in the game. The M4 that I am talking about is the one that you pick up in Warzone.
I hope this guide helped you and if you have any suggestions, please let us know in the comments below!