On May 3rd, 2016 we saw a release of a new multiplayer game called Overwatch. Overwatch 2 was first announced on BlizzCon in 2019. In this article, you will learn all you need to know about Overwatch 2 Release Date, details about the game. So when is Overwatch 2 Coming Out and what it is all about?
What is Overwatch 2?
Overwatch 2 is an online multiplayer FPS game that's the focus is about 2 teams fighting each other. You can play different game modes, from simple deathmatches to more objective-oriented modes.
The developers confirmed that they will expand upon the existing characters and introduce brand new ones to the franchise. The game will also include a hero development system. It will allow us to unlock new, special abilities to use in combat.
Blizzard has also confirmed that Overwatch 2 will be a stand-alone game, and not only an update or season 2 like in other similar games like Fortnite or Call of Duty series.
Overwatch 2 will be focused on expanding upon existing characters with Widowmaker, McRee, Reaper, Pharah receiving a new look. They will also add brand new characters like Sojourn that was announced at BlizzConline 2021.
We can assume that the game will be also released on PC, PS4, Xbox One X/S as well as possible versions on the new generation of consoles in PS4 and Xbox Series X/S.
Overwatch 2 Announcement Cinematic Trailer
When is Overwatch 2 Coming Out?
Overwatch 2 does not have the exact release date yet. Blizzard [the company behind the Overwatch series] has confirmed that the game will not be out in the year 2021. We can assume that the game will be released in 2022 alongside Diablo IV.
During the February 2021’s financial call Blizzard has also told us that Overwatch might become a free-to-play game. Probably after the release of Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 release date remains unknown for the time being but we might learn more about the game later this year.
BlizzConline 2021 | Behind the Scenes of Overwatch 2
For more information, you can also check out this presentation from BlizzConline 2021 with in-depth dives by the developers behind Overwatch 2. It is a good video to watch before Overwatch 2 releases.
Is Overwatch 2 Worth the Wait?
I personally never played a lot of Overwatch on my own, but it is a great game to play with friends. Hopefully, Overwatch 2 will be even better and will improve upon its predecessor. The gameplay is fun, especially with a lot of various characters with different roles and abilities. Every hero feels different and fills a different purpose during the game.
Overwatch 2 Release Date is one of the most anticipated announcements from Blizzard in the last few years. The second game will be very similar to Overwatch 2 but will include new maps, characters, and game modes. Hopefully, now you know all about Overwatch 2 release date, game details and when is Overwatch 2 coming out.
Overwatch is out now on PC, Xbox One X/S, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.
Overwatch 2 release date is scheduled to be at the earliest in 2022.
For more Overwatch articles check out this guide on how to uninstall Overwatch.