In this guide, you can find the complete list of all the Tiers for the Weapons available in the Call of Duty Warzone Battle Royale.
Call of Duty Battle Royale will feature 6 Weapon Tiers, from white to red.
The same weapon but with a different rarity will have different stats based on its Tier Rank. Weapons in the highest tiers will have more and better attachments and mods. In COD Warzone, you can not pick up single attachments off the ground.
Starting with the weakest (Gray Tier), and ending with the strongest (Red Tier), here are the weapon tiers in the game.
COD Warzone Battle Royale Weapons Tiers List:
Gray | Common | 0 |
Green | Uncommon | 1 |
Blue | Rare | 3 |
Purple | Epic | 4 |
Gold | Legendary | 5 |
Red | PLAYER | Custom |
Gold and Red weapons will be the best and most lethal weapons available in COD Warzone Battle Royale.
READ MORE: BEST Legendary Weapons in COD Warzone
Red (Player) Weapons in COD Warzone Battle Royale
Red (Player) Weapons are either your starting pistol or weapons that come out of a Loadout Drop (Battle Royale Mode), or a Loadout you bring with you (Plunder Mode)
Common and Uncommon Weapons in COD Warzone Battle Royale
Common and Uncommon Weapons are the most frequent loot to find in the game. This includes your base weapons and most weapons with no attachments on them.
All Common loot is denoted with a white diamond, while Uncommon loot is denoted by a single green diamond within a diamond and a green glow for weapons.
Rare Weapons in COD Warzone Battle Royale
Rare is a step up from Common and is denoted by two blue diamonds within a diamond or by a blue afterglow on your HUD’s weapon display.
Rarer weapons in Warzone are the weapon blueprints you can play within the other modes in the full version of Modern Warfare.
This rarity of loot is usually found within Supply Boxes, so if you are looking for a weapon that has a few attachments on it, look around for Supply Boxes rather than weapons on the ground.
Epic Weapons in COD Warzone Battle Royale
Loot that is given a purple diamond with three individual diamonds inside, or that have a purple afterglow on your HUD’s weapon display, is considered Epic Loot. This category includes weapon blueprints with four unique attachments.
These are more common within Special Supply Boxes (found as rewards during Scavenger Contracts) than Supply Boxes, which have a better chance of pulling rarer loot by design. Still, it is possible to find an Epic weapon or two, within a Supply Boxes.
Legendary Weapons in COD Warzone Battle Royale
An orange-gold afterglow on a weapon or four gold diamonds inside of a diamond indicates that a loot piece is at its highest rarity level: Legendary.
Legendary weapons consist of weapon blueprints with all five attachment slots filled.
During a game of Warzone, you may only come across a handful of Legendary loot items in Supply Boxes, let alone on the ground. These usually come out of high Contract Level rewards, especially for Scavenger and Recon Contracts.
Some of the Best Legendary Weapons you can find in COD Battle Royale:
COD Warzone Buy Station Equipment
Call of Duty Warzone released on March 10, 2020, as a standalone free-to-play game, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.