"I Walk The Line" Quest Information
V takes a contract from Placide with takes him to the Grand Imperial Mall, filled with foes.
"I’m sick of this Placide motherfucker as much as you, but at least the fog has lifted, the goal is clear. You find a netrunner in the GIM and the Vodoo goons will set up a meet-n-greet with their queen. Pros? Maybe I’ll actually get to see a legit netrunner, ’cause it’s sure starting to feel like an extinct species these days. Someone who’s got the guts to square off against the Voodoos has given me some hope, at least. But the cons? Damn near any minute your brain could start dripping out your ears. Afraid we won’t have time to make pilgrimages to the monuments of Pacifica’s Golden Age."
Work In Progress Guide for the Main Quest I Walk The Line in Cyberpunk 2077.
"I Walk The Line" Objectives
- Meet with Placide's people
- Enter the Grand Imperial Mall
- Defeat the enemies near the van
- Go to the cinema and find the agent
- Defeat Sasquatch
- Confront the NetWatch agent
"I Walk The Line" Walkthrough & Strategy
Coming soon.
"I Walk The Line" Choices & Best Choice
Coming soon.
"I Walk The Line" Tips & Tricks
Coming soon.