We’ve all been playing Cyberpunk 2077 nonstop now, 3 playthroughs, 2 romances, and a whole lot of NiCola laying around our rooms, yet still, we find ourselves wanting more, searching for hidden missions, Easter eggs, and of course the best build, spending hours pondering through the skills tree.

So if you're like us and find yourselves constantly searching for the best perks in Cyberpunk 2077, then let us break it down for you. Perks are special abilities or upgrades related to each Character Skill Tree, and are leveled up with Perk points.

This Tier List of perks in Cyberpunk 2077 below includes a categorized description of every perk, ranked from best to worst, along with their general usefulness all around. Bear in mind that these will of course be situational depending on your playstyle and your V’s build.

Cyberpunk 2077 Perks Tier List Rating System:

  • S Tier: Best - Must have and super useful
  • A Tier: Strong - Recommended but not perfect
  • B Tier: Good - Decent perk and viable with different builds
  • C Tier: Average - Not good and not bad but very situational

Best Assault Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

This list of perks improves different stats when using Assault rifles and Sniper Rifles.

Punisher After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increase for 10 sec. +0.2 sec per Perk Level S
Savage Stoic Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage by 35% when standing still S
Long Shot Rifle damage increases the farther you are located from enemies S
Named Bullets Increases crit damage from Rifle and Submachine Gun by 35% S
Bunker Increase armor & resistance by 15% when shooting with Rifle and Submachine Gun from cover A
Skull Skipper Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifle and Submachine Gun 5% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times A
Trench Warfare Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage by 5% / 10% when firing from behind cover A
Nerves of Steel Increases headshot damage with sniper rifles and precision rifles by 20% / 30% A
Executioner Deal 25% more Rifle and Submachine Gun damage to enemies whose health is above 50% A
Covering Killshot Increases crit chance with Rifle and Submachine Gun by 10% / 20% when firing from behind cover A
Eagle Eye Improves Rifle and Submachine gun by 10% / 25% / 50% B
In Perspective Increases crit damage on Rifle and Submachine Gun with mounted scopes by 2% B
Recoil Wrangler Reduces recoil on Rifle and Submachine Gun by 10% B
Hunter's Hands Reduces recoil with Rifle and Submachine Gun by 20% / 40% when firing from behind cover B
Feel the Flow Reduces reload time for Rifle and Submachine Gun by 10% / 20% B
Shoot, Reload, Repeat Defeating an enemy with a Rifle and Submachine Gun reduces reload time by 20% / 40% for 5 seconds B
Bullseye Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage while aiming by 10% B
Too Close For Comfort Melee attacks with Rifle & Submachine guns deal 50% / 100% more damage C
Duck Hunter Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage to moving enemies by 10% / 20% C
Bulletjock Increases damage with Rifle and Submachine Gun by 3% / 6% / 10% C

Best Handguns Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Whether you're rolling with a Pistol or Revolver. These perks will benefit all Handgun builds.

Vanishing Point Evasion increases by 25% for 7 seconds after performing a dodge when holding a Pistol and Revolver S
Wild West Removes the damage penalty from Pistol and Revolver when shooting from a distance S
Westworld Increases crit chance by 10% for each mod installed on the Pistol and Revolver you're using S
Lead Sponge Enables you to shoot with Pistol and Revolver while dodging S
Brainpower After a successful headshot with a Pistol and Revolver, crit chance increases by 25% for 5 seconds S
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly After a successful Crit Hit with a Pistol or Revolver, damage and Armor increases by 30% for 5 seconds. +1% per Perk Level S
High Noon Increases crit chance with Pistol and Revolver by 4% / 8% / 12% A
O.K Corral Deal 50% more damage with Pistol and Revolver to enemies whose health is below 25% A
Steady Hand Reduces recoil from Pistol and Revolver by 30% A
A Fistfull Of Eurdollars Increases crit damage from Pistol and Revolver by 10% / 20% A
Acrobat You can now dodge while aiming a Pistol and Revolver A
Additional Fire Firing consecutive shots with a Pistol and Revolver at the same target increases damage by 10% A
Snowball Effect After defeating an enemy, the fire rate (cycle time) for Pistol and Revolver receives a 5% boost for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times A
Desperado Increases damage from Pistol and Revolver by 3% / 6% / 9% B
Rio Bravo Increases headshot damage multiplier with Pistol and Revolver by 10% / 20% / 30% B
On The Fly Reduces equipping and unequipping time for Pistol and Revolver by 25% / 50% B
Long Shot Drop Pop Increases damage to enemies 5+ meters away by 25% / 50% B
Grand Finale The last round in a Pistol and Revolver magazine deals double damage B
Gunslinger Reduces reload time for Pistol and Revolver by 10% / 15% / 25% C
From Head to Toe Increases damage to limbs with ranged weapons by 7% / 15% C

Best Blades Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

If you use the Katana's or any melee weapon with your build then these will suit you just right.

Blessed Blade Increases crit chance by 20% S
Fiery Blast Increases damage against a target by 1% for every 1% / 2% / 3% of health they are missing S
Deathbolt Defeating an enemy recovers 40% health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds S
Crimson Tide The bleeding effect applied by blades deal 300% more damage S
Dragon Strike Increases Crit Damage with Blades by 25%. +1% per Perk Level. S
Roaring Waters Strong attacks deal 30% / 40% / 50% more damage A
Slow And Steady Armor is increased by 15% / 30% while moving A
Sting Like A Bee Increases attack speed by 10% /20% /30% A
Crimson Dance Combo attacks have a 15% / 30% chance to apply bleeding A
Flight Of The Sparrow Reduces the stamina cost of all attacks by 30% / 50% A
Shifting Sands Dodging recovers 15% / 30% / 25% stamina A
Stuck Pig Increases bleeding duration by 1 / 2 / 3 second(s) A
Bloodlust Recovers 7% / 10% health when applying bleeding to an enemy or hitting an enemy with bleeding A
Float Like A Butterfly Dodging increases damage dealt by 25% / 50% for 10 seconds A
Judge Jury And Executioner Damage is increased by 50% / 75% / 100% against targets with max health A
Offensive Defense Defensive Attacks with Blades deal 200% more damage B
Unbroken Spirit A successful deflect recovers 25% health and stamina B

Best Athletics Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Let's hope V never skipped gym class! These perks come in quite handy for most builds.

Multitasker Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding and vaulting S
Divided Attention Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding and vaulting S
Transporter Allows you to shoot and sprint while carrying a body S
Marathoner Sprinting does not drain stamina S
The Rock Enemies cannot knock you down S
Indestructible Reduces all incoming damage by 10% S
Hard Motherfucker When entering combat, Armor and Resistances increases by 10% for 10 Sec. +1% per Perk Level S
True Grit Increases max stamina by 10% / 20% / 30% A
Invincible Increases max health by 10% / 20% / 30% A
Gladiator Reduces damage taken while blocking by 20% / 40% A
Like A Butterfly Dodging does not drain stamina A
Cardio Cure Health regenerates faster when moving A
Stronger Together Increases damage you deal while carrying a body A
Human Shield Increases armor by 20% when grappling an enemy A
Steel Shell Increases armor by 10% A
Pack Mule Increases your carrying capacity from 200 to 260 B
Epimophoris Health regenerates up to 70% / 80% / 90% of max health outside of combat B
Dog Of War Increases health regen in combat by 15% / 20% B
Wolverine Health regen activates 50% / 90% faster during combat B
Regeneration Health slowly regenerates during combat C
Soft On Your Fett Reduces fall damage by 5% / 10% / 20% C
Steel And Chrome Increases melee damage by 10% / 20% C

Best Annihilation Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Suitable for the more aggressive - one-man army builds. This stat Boosts Shotguns and Light Machine guns.

Manic When entering combat, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 second(s) S
Unstoppable Dismembering an enemy increases fire rate (cycle time) by 10% for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times S
Speed Demon You deal more damage the faster you're moving S
Poppin' Off Shotguns have a 25% / 50% higher chance of dismembering enemies S
Bloodbath Dismembering enemies reduces weapon recoil by 50% for 6 sec. +1% per Perk Level S
In Your Face Reduces reload time of shotguns and light machine guns by 20% / 40% A
Bloodrush Increases movement speed while carrying a shotgun or light machine gun by 5% / 10% A
Mongoose Increases evasion by 25% while reloading A
Bulldozer Increases crit chance with shotguns and light machine guns by 10% A
Momentum Shift Defeating an enemy increases movement speed by 10% / 15% / 20% for 10 seconds A
Massacre Increases crit damage with shotguns and light machine guns by 15% / 30% / 45% A
Heavy Lead shotguns and light machine guns knock back enemies with more force A
Skeet Shooter Deal 15% more damage to moving targets A
Hit The Deck Increases damage to staggered and knocked-down enemies by 10% / 20% A
Biathlete Weapon spread does not increase while moving A
Burn Baby Burn Doubles the duration of burn A
Dead Center Increases damage to torso by 10% / 20% B
Pump It Louder Reduces recoil of shotguns and light machine guns by 10% / 20% C
Hall Of Bullets Shotguns and light machine guns deal 3% / 6% / 10% more damage C

Best Street Brawler Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Another Skill Tree that will help with things like Melee builds and especially the "Beat On The Brat" Questline. These perks help buff stats with your fists - whether you're throwing or blocking and even apply stun effects, damage, and much more.

Thrash Strong attacks reduce the target's armor by 30% for 10 second(s) S
Dazed Attacks have a 15% / 30% chance to apply stun S
Opportune Strike Increases damage against enemies affected by stun by 50% S
Guerilla Increases Crit Damage by 60% for 10 Sec after entering combat. +2% per Perk Level. S
Frenzy Defeating an enemy increases damage by 100% for 10 seconds S
Reinvigorate Defeating an enemy with a strong attack restores 10% / 20% / 30% stamina A
Payback Increases damage by 1% for every 1% / 2% / 3% of missing health A
Unshakable Successful attacks against enemies affected by stun restore 5% / 10% % / 15% health and 5% / 10% % / 15% stamina A
Biding Time Blocking attacks restores 5%/ 10% % / 15% health A
Crushing Blows Increases damage from strong attacks by 30% / 40% / 50% A
Flurry Increases damage from combo attacks by 30% / 40% / 50% A
Rush Successful attacks recover 3% / 5% health over 2 second(s) A
Efficient Blows Reduces stamina cost for all attacks by 25% / 50% A
Relentless Successful attacks against enemies affected by stun restore 20% / 30% stamina A
Juggernaut Increases armor while blocking by 50% B
Human Fortress Reduces stamina cost of blocking attacks by 50% B
Breathing Space Increases stamina restored while blocking by 50% / 100% B

Best Crafting Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

This will make crafting a breeze, whether your dismantling junk, improving stats, or craving those overpowered legendaries.

200% Efficiency Crafted clothes gain 2.5% / 5% more armor S
Field Technician Crafted weapons deal 2.5% / 5% more damage S
Waste Not Want Not When disassembling an item, you get attached mods back S
Edgerunner Artisan Allows you to craft legendary and iconic items S
Cutting Edge Crafted legendary weapons automatically get one stat improved by 5% S
Mechanic Gain more components when disassembling A
True Craftsman Allows you to craft rare items A
Innovation Effects from crafted consumables last 25% / 50% longer A
Sapper Crafted grenades deal 10% / 20% more damage A
Grease Monkey Allows you to craft epic items A
Efficient Upgrades Grants a 10% chance to upgrade an item for free A
Ex Nihilo Grants a 20% chance to craft an item for free A
Let There Be Light Reduces component cost of upgrading items by10% 20% A
Cost Optimization Reduces component costs of crafting items by 15% / 30% A
Tune-Up Allows you to upgrade lower quality components into higher quality ones A
Crazy science Increases the sale price of crafted items by 10% A
Scrapper Junk items are automatically disassembled B
Workshop Disassembling items grant a 5% / 10% / 15% chance to gain a free component of the same quality as the disassembled item B

Best Engineering Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Looking at the technical side of buffs and weapons. This tree helps V's resistance to certain elements. Improves stats with Tech weapons and buffs stats toward mechanical enemies.

Superconductor Tech weapons ignore armor S
Revamp Increases damage from Tech weapons by 25&, Increases charge damage from all chargeable weapons and cyberware by 10% S
Mech Looter When looting robots, drones and mechs, there is a 25% / 50% / 75% chance of looting a weapon mod or attachment A
Can't Touch This Grants immunity to all effects from your own grenades A
Shrapnel All grenades types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects A
Up To 11 Allows you to charge Teach weapons up to 75% / 100% capacity A
Ubercharge Fully charged Tech weapons deal 50% more damage A
Play The Angles Ricochets deal an additional 50% damage A
Fuck All Walls Tech weapons discharge 50% faster A
Tesla Increases the charge multiplier for tech weapons by 15% / 35% / 55% A
Jackpot Grenades can now randomly deal crit hits A
Lickety Split Tech weapons reload time is reduced by 15% / 30% A
Bladerunner Increases damage to mechanical enemies by 20% / 40% A
Grenadier The explosion radius all grenades is visible B
Lock And Load Increases Smart weapon reload speed by 5% / 10% B
Lightning Bolt Increases crit chance with Tech weapons by 3% / 6% /10% B
Gun Whisperer Fully charged Tech weapons do not shoot automatically B
Insulation Grants immunity to shock B
Blast Shielding Reduces damage taken from explosions by 10% 20% / 30% B
Bigger Booms Grenades deal 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% more damage C

Best Breach Protocol Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

These perks will take an already useful Qucickhack and make it all the more useful. Use this in sync with Quickhacking and you'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Compression Reduces the lengths of the sequences required to upload daemons by 1. Cannot be reduced below 2 S
Buffer Optimization Increases the duration of daemon effects by 100% S
Mass Vulnerability: Resistances Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all Resistances for enemies in the network by 30% S
Head Start Automatically uploads the first daemon in the list at the start of Breach Protocol S
Transmigration Increases the breach time of Breach Protocol by 50%. +5% per Perk Level. S
Cloud Cache Completing Breach Protocol restores RAM unites equal to 1 / 2 times the number of daemons uploaded S
Mass Vulnerability Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the physical resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 3 / 6 minutes A
Extended Network Interface Automatically highlights nearby access points A
Turret Shutdown Unlocks the Turret Shutdown daemon, which disables security turrets in the network for 3 / 6 minutes A
Total Recall The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s) A
Turret Tamer Unlocks the Turret Tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret in the network to friendly for 3 / 6 minutes A
Datamine Virtuoso Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the chance to acquire a quickhack from access points by 50% / 100%. A
Efficiency Uploading 3 or more daemon in the same Breach Protocol increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 3 / 6 unit(s) per 60 seconds. Lasts 5 minutes A
Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from quickhacks. A
Totaler Recall The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit A
Hackathon Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol shortens quickhack cooldowns by 25% for 5 minutes A
Big Sleep Unlocks the Big Sleep daemon which disables all cameras in the network for 3 minutes B
Advanced Datamine Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of eurodollars acquired from access points by 50% / 100% B
Datamine Mastermind Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of components acquired from access points by 50% / 100%. B
Almost Int Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by 20% / 40% C

Best Quickhacking Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

These perks are essential for anyone who uses quickhacks often and ties in nicely with the breach protocol perks above as well as most "Netrunner" Builds.

Diffusion Quickhack spread distance is increased by 2 times S
Critical Error Quickhacks can now deal crit hits based on your crit chance and crit damage stats S
Optimization Reduces the cost of quickhacks by 1 RAM units S
Bartomoss' Legacy Unlocks diagrams for crafting superior quickhacks S
Master Ram Liberator Increases RAM Recovery rate by 50%. +1% per Perk Level. S
Biosynergy Enables RAM to recover during combat (at a rate of 4 / 8 /12 RAM units per minute A
I Spy Reveals an enemy netrunner when they're attempting to hack you A
Forget Me Not Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit A
Weak Link Reduces the required cyberdeck RAM for quickhacks used on devices by 1 / 2 / 3 units A
Daisy Chain Eliminating a target that was a quickhacked reduces the cooldown for all other active quickhacks by 10% / 35% / 50% A
Signal Support Increases quickhack duration by 25% / 50% A
Subliminal Message Quickhacks deal 25% / 50% more damage to unaware targets A
Mnemonic Reduces the cost of quickhacks used against an enemy already affected by a quickhack by 1 RAM units A
School Of Hard Rock Unlocks diagrams for crafting advanced quickhacks A
plague Quickhacks that spread can jump to 1 / 2 / 3 additional targets A
Hacker Overlord Unlocks diagrams for crafting specialized quickhacks A
Anamnesis Available cyberdeck RAM cannot drop below 2 / 3 / 4 units A
Bloodware Quickhacks deal 10% / 20% / 30% more damage B
Hackers Manuel Unlocks diagrams for crafting Uncommon quickhacks B

Best Stealth Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Exceptionally useful for a wide range of missions. This perk tree will decrease enemy detection stats, increase movement speed, and offer more buffs overall for when you decide to go behind enemy lines.

Cheat Death When your health drops below 50% reduce all incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once per minute S
Neurotoxin Damage from poison is doubled S
From The Shadows Upon entering combat, crit chance increases by 25% / 50% for 7 seconds S
Venomous Fangs All knives apply poison S
Strike From The Shadows Increases your crit chance by 15% while sneaking A
Leg Up Movement speed after a successful takedown is increased by 30% for 10 seconds A
Sniper Increases damage from headshots fire from outside combat by 30% / 50% A
Cutthroat Thrown knives deal 30% / 60% more damage A
Aggressive Antitoxins Grants immunity to Poison A
Rattlesnake Enemies affected by poison are slowed A
Silent Finisher Enemies with less than 25% Health are defeated instantly by thrown knives. Does not work on enemies with a lethal threat level A
Hasty Retreat Temporarily boosts movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds when detected by an enemy A
Hidden Dragon Allows you to perform a lethal or non-lethal aerial takedown on unaware targets A
Ghost Detection time is increased by 20% / 40%. A
Silent But Deadly Increases damage dealt by silenced weapons by 25% while sneaking A
Hasten The Inevitable Deal 20% more damage to enemies affected by poison A
Ninjitsu Sneak attacks with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a crit hit A
Toxology Increases the duration of poison applied to enemies by 5 seconds. +0.2 second per Perk point A
Crouching Tiger Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20% B
Silent And Deadly Increases damage dealt by silenced weapons by 25% while sneaking B
Dagger Dealer Allows you to throw knives, hold L2/LT to aim and press R2/RT to throw B
Restorative Shadows While in stealth, Increases Health regen by 25% B
Assassin Deal 15% more damage to human enemies B
Stunning Blows Quick melee attacks with ranged weapons stagger enemies, giving you an opportunity to grapple them B
Commando You cannot be detected under water C
Clean Work You can pick up an enemy's body immediately after performing a takedown by holding C

Best Cold Blood Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Ranked

Cold Blood is a skill that comes in very handy for almost every build, weapons, and playstyles. It improves stats of recoil on weapons, the duration of certain of the skill itself, and builds resistance for numerous status effects.

Cold Blood After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds and increase movement speed by 2%. Stacks up to 1/2/3 times S
Critical Condition Increases duration of Cold Blood by 5/10 seconds S
Coldest Blood Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1 S
Frozen Precision Increases headshot damage by 50% S
Cold And Calculated Landing a crit hit has 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood S
Unbreakable Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1 S
Coolagulant Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, not all at once S
Immunity When Cold Blood is active, you are immune to bleeding, poison, burn and shock S
Merciless While Cold Blood is active, Increases Crit Chance by 10% and Crit Damage by 25%. 1% Crit Chance and 3% Crit Damage per Perk Level. S
Will To Survive Increases all resistances by 2.5% / 5% per stack of Cold Blood A
Icy Veins Reduces weapon recoil by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood A
Frosty Synapsis Reduces quickhack cooldowns by 3% / 6% per stack of Cold Blood A
Defensive Clotting Increases armor by 1% / 2% per stack of Cold Blood A
Bloodbrawl When Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5% / 10% A
Predator Increases attack speed by 1% / 3% per stack of Cold Blood A
Bloodswell When your health reaches 45%, a max stack of Cold Blood is automatically activated A
Pain Is An Illusion When Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5% A
Rapid Bloodflow Increase health regen inside and outside combat by 50% / 100% per stack of Cold Blood B
Quick Transfer Reduces quickhack upload time by 1% per stack of Cold Blood B


Looking at the above, we can get a good estimate of what perks benefit an all-rounded playstyle. Remember though! Everyone plays differently and there are many builds you can create on Cyberpunk, so think about what kind of playthrough you want before you start investing in every "S" rated perk.

For more information about some of the popular builds on Cyberpunk 2077 be sure to visit our Builds And Playstyles Guide. And if you really can't get enough of us check out our other Cyberpunk Guides too!


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