In light of this, here are the superhero games that are possibly coming out next year that you should be aware of. Best Upcoming Superhero Games of 2023 – here's GA's list.
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Superheroes are currently prevalent in many forms of media, and recently, video games have really seized the opportunity and taken off with it.
7 Best Upcoming Superhero Games of 2023
#7 Capes
Consider a city where superheroes and villains were at odds, and then consider what would happen if the supervillains prevailed. The world of capes is like that, but it doesn't have to be.
You'll be trying to assemble and prepare a group of superheroes to retake the city from the baddies who long ago prevailed. Create your team, then instruct them on developing and enhancing their skills before sending them into battle to show their mettle by taking out the bad guys.
Do combination attacks, and discover new heroes to support your cause—as long as you retake the city, you can do anything!
#6 My Hero Ultra Rumble
A LOT of video games have been produced from the My Hero Academia property, which is undoubtedly one of the biggest anime franchises out there. Enter MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE, a game that will undoubtedly put you to the test in ways that other games in this genre haven't.
Because there is a significant twist in this battle royale game. Not only will you be able to command either heroic or evil characters, but you'll also be able to do so in groups of three. You'll need to cooperate with the other 7 teams on the map and make the best use of your Quirks if you want to win.
#5 Robocop: Rogue City
You cannot convince us otherwise; Robocop is a superhero. How is it not a superhero origin story when a technologically revived armoured man is brought back to life with the intention of protecting Detroit? Yes, let's continue.
You can play as Murphy, the one and only Robocop, in the video game Robocop: Rogue City. Your mission is to patrol the city and clear the streets of criminal activity. Which should be a simple task for you and your arsenal.
To avoid becoming the very thing you pledged to combat, keep in mind your primary objectives because things aren't always so straightforward in this city.
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#4 Multiversus
You can play Multiversus right now, we KNOW that! However, you also know that it is quite limited unless you purchase the Founder's Pack, which many of you have ostensibly already done. In addition, there will be a ton more characters added as the game approaches its actual release in 2023.
However, the game is already generating a ton of buzz thanks to its focus on 2v2 action and its incredibly diverse cast of playable characters. Superman, Taz, Velma, The Iron Giant, Morty, and other characters only serve to increase the game's absurdity. Definitely one of the Best Upcoming Superhero Games of 2023.
Imagine how complete it will be when the game is released in full the next year.
#3 Wonder Woman
This one was unveiled at The Game Awards the previous year, and it undoubtedly generated some discussion. Why? Well, despite being a member of the DC Comics trinity, Wonder Woman has never had a stand-alone video game. This is incorrect because she has a fantastic pantheon of characters to choose from.
Fortunately, the new video game should enable Diana of Themyscira to accomplish her goals and demonstrate what a magnificent hero she is.
Even though the only thing we have at the moment is a teaser trailer, the fact that a game is being produced on her is sufficient in this instance. Just keep in mind that a lot of people will be looking for the team to capture the sense of being a demigod and warrior alongside her.
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#2 Marvel’s Wolverine
It's hardly surprising that the Insomniac team will double down and provide us with another title via Marvel's Wolverine following the success of a certain Spidey game (which will have a certain sequel coming shortly...).
What else do we understand? I mean, isn't that always the case? Not a damn thing. While we are unsure of the game's plot, we can say that it is most likely to be a "Wolverine version" of their last Marvel adventure. This implies a richly character-driven plot, thrilling action, and fantastic visuals owing to the PS5.
The only thing we can genuinely ask for is that we soon learn more about the game. Will it be one of best upcoming superhero games of 2023?
#1 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
It would be really difficult to rank Marvel's Spider-Man 2 higher than the top spot on this list. After all, the first game was almost perfect in terms of presentation, narrative, combat, side missions, swinging around New York, and other elements.
However, despite the fact that all we have to go on is a brief teaser trailer, we do know that the Insomniac crew is hard at work making this game even larger and better than the first. We are aware that Venom is approaching and that both Peter and Miles are getting ready for the game.
Who else will show up, though? What fresh challenges lie ahead for the Spider-Men? To find out, we'll have to wait!
For more coverage on Best Upcoming Superhero Games of 2023 games keep tuning into Games Atlas!