What are the best SpiderMan PC mods? With the modding community at NexusMods creating a plethora of changes for Marvel's Spider-Man ever since its release on PC, here we will take a look at some of the best options among them.
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Best SpiderMan PC Mods – Combat
With many Spider-Man fans on PC being more familiar with prior games such as The Amazing Spider-Man and Spider–Man Web Of Shadows, creators have taken advantage of the game's mod-friendly nature. Web Of Shadows was mainly known for its unique and engaging combat, which showcased Peter's aggressive set of skills and how vicious he could be.
A mod named 'Symbiotic Finisher and Combat Overhaul' by creator 'Piqo101' changes Spider-Man Remastered's combat for the better, as it upscales the combinations players can throw, whilst also displaying a more agile and aggressive play style.
It addresses one of the downsides for some players who feel as though the combat within Insomniac's title is a little less hard-hitting, but this mod makes each combat encounter worthwhile.
Credit: Insomniac Games
Not only does this come with a change in ground combat and how quickly you can maneuver and dodge incoming attacks, but it also comes juxtaposed with new finishers. Some of these are mixed with finishers from Spider-Man Miles Morales which has also recently become available for PC players, and some are unique creations from all modders involved.
Best SpiderMan PC Mods – Traversal
One of the more integral parts of the game's success is the magnificent and masterful levels of traversal featured. Swinging around the city in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered feels better than many would have imagined, and creators have advanced this even further.
With the addition of the 'Increase Speed Cap' mod by 'Sonicpower451', players have the ability to swing at much faster paces, allowing for a more comic-accurate Spider-Man experience. This comes with its own set of options in order for you to tune this to your own liking, and provide the most preferable gameplay style.
As mods continue to pile on for the game on PC, there is highly likely to be more that will optimize this title to its greatest potential.
For more coverage on Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered keep tuning into Games Atlas!