In this guide, we outline all the endings of Cyberpunk 2077 and how you can get to them. Aside from one, each of the other four main endings is assigned one of the Major Arcana. In the quest "Fool on the Hill", Misty mentions that V will reach 'The World' through one of four paths.
"The final leg of the journey goes through the Sun, the Star, Temperance, or the Devil." - Misty
Each of the Arcana that Misty mentions are associated with one of the four main endings. The fifth path, as outlined by V is available by default no matter the circumstances. This corresponds to the fifth ending that we will talk about in this article. The secret "sixth" ending is a special ending that requires a fair amount of specific dialogue options and actions. We mention these after the other five endings, at the end of the article.
Beware, if it wasn't obvious already from the title of this article, there WILL be some spoilers. Beyond this point, we discuss these spoilers as briefly as we can. However, some information is required to convey the steps to get to the ending. If you are comfortable with learning about these, then continue on to the next section.
How to Get All Endings in Cyberpunk 2077
Your playstyle or your life path do not affect the endings in any way. However, certain paths require some side jobs to be completed. The ending sequences can be started once you reach the mission Nocturne Op55N1, which has you head over to Hanako Arasaka at the bar Embers. The game saves before you enter Embers, however, it is advisable to keep a manual save just before entering Embers.
Let's get right into it.
Pictured: the Devil, Temperance, the Star, and the Sun arcana tarot cards. Image Courtesy: Cyberpunk Fandom Wiki
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending 1 - The Devil
The Devil is addiction, craving and passion. He brings fame and fortune, but at the price of losing oneself to a world of material distractions. The Devil lures unsuspecting souls into traps, but always grants them a choice. One can try their luck and take him up on his offer, but one should always know when to call quits.
- Tarot Card Journal
The Devil Ending is associated with the Arasakas. This entails accepting Hanako Arasaka's offer. A pre-requisite to getting the achievement for this ending is to save Takemura in the mission Search and Destroy. This can be tricky because the mission does not give you a prompt telling you to save him, you have to do it yourself. When the Arasaka soldiers begin their raid, V and Takemura get split up. Johnny tells V to run, saying that Takemura won't survive. However, as soon as the player takes control of V, Takemura can actually be saved. In order to do this, you need to ignore the objective that leads you out of the hotel. Instead, look around for a broken wall to crouch through. Follow that path up the stairs. You will be prompted by a task to try to save Takemura. Once complete, there is nothing else that needs to be done until the end.
In the quest Nocturne Op55N1, when you're talking to Johnny on the roof, select the following dialogue options -
"Think trusting Arasaka's risky but worth it"
"[Take omega-blockers] Yeah. Don't be mad."
From there, you need to play out the final few missions. There is one final choice at the end of the last mission Where Is My Mind?, however, that choice is an entirely personal one that only impacts the cutscene you get. We leave it up to you.
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending 2 - Temperance
Temperance is the card of balance. It may symbolize self-restraint or the gradual shift toward a more mature state of equilibrium. Temperance is associated with being in control of oneself as well as the desire to achieve inner peace.
-Tarot Card Journal
This ending requires the player to have completed all of Panam Palmer related side jobs. Once completed, continue until Nocturne Op55N1.
On the roof, choose the following dialogue prompt -
"[Call] Panam"
After that, when prompted, choose -
"Gonna ask Panam for help"
"[Take omega-blockers] Yep. Gonna do this one with the nomads."
From there, you need to play out the final few missions (which will play out differently from the Devil ending). Once you reach Alt Cunningham at the end of Belly of the Beast, you need to make the following decision to achieve this ending -
"Body's Johnny's. I'll go."
After that, make sure to enter the Cyberspace and not the well.
The rest of the epilogue is scripted until you reach the ending.
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending 3 - The Star
The Star is the card of hope. In the darkest of nights there is a light that shines the path to home. The Star is inspiration, motivation and gives us strength to move forward.
- Tarot Card Journal
This ending follows the exact same sequences as the Temperance ending, right until you reach Alt Cunningham. In this case, however, you need to make the following choice -
"Wanna live out whatever life I got left."
After that, make sure to enter the well and not the Cyberspace.
The rest of the epilogue is scripted until you reach the ending.
Cyberpunk 2077
Ending 4 - The Sun
The Sun symbolizes success. It is a card of freedom, renewal and a bright future that lies ahead. The Sun also represents truth, for its light will always pull back the curtain of shadow that hides the world's secrets. It is also represents greatness and splendor.
- Tarot Card Journal
This ending requires the player to have completed all of Rogue related side jobs. Once completed, continue until Nocturne Op55N1.
On the roof, choose the following dialogue prompts -
"Think you and Rogue should go."
"[Take pseudoendotrizine] I am. Do your thing, Johnny"
From there, you need to play out the final few missions. Once you reach Alt Cunningham, make sure to enter the Cyberspace.
Play out the rest of the epilogue until you reach the ending.
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending 5 - Path of Least Resistance
This ending is very straightforward and does not require any pre-requisites.
On the roof, choose the following dialogue prompts -
"Could also just put this all to rest."
"[Toss the pills] I know. Exactly what we're gonna do."
The rest of the epilogue is scripted until you reach the ending.
Cyberpunk 2077 Secret Ending - Don't Fear The Reaper
This ending requires a bit of work.
To get this ending, the player needs to complete all the Rogue related side jobs. Apart from that, the player also needs to progress friendship with Johnny up to at least 70% (the friendship progress is shown in the pause menu as the 'You Only Live Once' option). In order to make sure this happens, the player needs to pay attention in the side job Chippin In', which is a part of the Rogue related series of side jobs. At one point, Johnny will ask to see his grave, requiring V to drive over to the oil fields. Once there, choose the following dialogue prompts exactly -
"[Inscribe Johnny's initials] Let's do something about that."
"The guy who saved my life."
"Nah, fucked that up too."
"What do you want from me?"
"OK. But as second chances go, this is your last."
"You were a real dick in the beginning."
"When you said you let down your friends..."
"Smasher biz really got to her."
"Yeah, I'll call Rogue."
On the roof in Nocturne OpNN51, choose the following prompts -
"Think you and Rogue should go."
After that, don't select anything. Simply wait until Johnny speaks up and talks about a suicide run. When prompted, choose -
"Let's hear this plan."
Play out the rest of the epilogue until you reach the ending. Keep in mind that since this is a suicide run - if you die at any point during the mission in this ending, it's game over. It is a tough fight as you will have no help from anyone, so make sure you're appropriately equipped and stocked.
After each ending, the game will ask you if you want to try another path and put you right outside Embers in the mission Nocturne Op55N1. I recommend making another loadable save on the rooftop Misty leads you to before you sit down on the chair.
These are all the endings you can get in Cyberpunk 2077. Feel free to check out our other guides on Cyberpunk 2077!