Bastion Coming Back to Overwatch 2 is an often-asked question, but even fewer people know that he was removed.
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There are actually two champions that were removed from Overwatch 2.
When Will Bastion Come Back to Overwatch 2 UPDATE
Bastion came back to Overwatch 2 on the 25th of October and is available to play in any game mode by any player. The kit of the hero stayed the same as when it was changed in Overwatch 2.
Why Was Bastion Removed From Overwatch 2?
Alongside Bastion, there was a second champion that was removed from Overwatch 2. That champion was Torbjörn, which is one of the world's top engineers at Overwatch 2 Universum. He was temporarily removed from all game modes in the game and came back but he is still disabled on ranked games.
Torbjörn was removed because of a bug in the game, that allowed him to prolong his ability up to twice its original duration. It depended on the time when was the ability pressed and its similar in the case of Bastion.
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment
Bastion has a bug with his ultimate ability named "Configuration: artillery" that allowed him to shoot it more than the original 3 times when perfectly timed. That's the reason Why Was Bastion Removed From Overwatch 2.
Is Bastion Coming Back to Overwatch 2?
Bastion is very symbolic of Overwatch and Overwatch 2. He was once one of the robots that fought in the Omnic Crisis. Now that the war is over he aids Overwatch in protecting humanity. The champion is assigned to a damage role that can hold enemies away from defended objects.
He was only temporarily removed from the game so Bastion Coming Back to Overwatch 2 is nearly sure. Unfortunately, we don't know the exact date of the comeback or the progress of fixing this champion.
We hope that repairing bugs that involve Bastion and Torbjörn won't last long and Bastion will join us on the battlefield yet in this year.
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Credits: Blizzard Entertainment
What Changed in Overwatch 2?
In Overwatch, Bastion was an immobile turret that dealt an enormous amount of damage. Now, thanks to Configuration: Assault he can transform into a moving turret that has a 6-second duration and 12-second cooldown. Our favorite robot in Overwatch doesn't repair himself anymore instead, he can switch from his Assault mode and Recon mode.
He also got an alternative type of shot that fires a grenade that can bounce from walls and explodes in contact with the enemy or ground. It deals around 100 damage and has an 8-second cooldown.
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment
Bastion's ultimate ability is a reason Why Was Bastion Removed From Overwatch 2. It changes him into a stationary artillery gun that can fire 3 bombs which each deals up to 600 damage, depending on the distance from the center of the explosion. He has 8 seconds to fire all the projectiles.
Thanks to his passive, at the elimination he gains a bonus increased movement speed and reload speed for a short moment.
All that allows us to play more aggressively on the front and in case of casting ultimate ability u can hide at the back and eliminate enemies from safety.
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment
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