Johnny wants to get Samurai back together for one last gig, but he’ll need to find Nancy at the Totentanz first. This is the context of the Cyberpunk 2077 Second Conflict Side Job.
Cyberpunk 2077 Second Conflict Walkthrough
The Side Job: Second Conflict begins automatically after talking with Kerry Eurodyne and agreeing to get Samurai back together at the end of the side job Holdin’ On.
Entering the Totentanz
Following your minimap from Kerry’s mansion to the Totentanz, you’ll arrive in a grimy part of town outside an abandoned hotel, this is the former shell of the Hotel Totentanz. Go inside and up the stairs to the elevator. Take the elevator up to the third floor which is where the bar, Totentanz, is located. Once you reach the entrance you will be greeted by either Dum Dum and Royce, Brick, or Patricia.
If you killed Dum Dum and Royce earlier in the game during the Panam Palmer side jobs, then you will be greeted by either Brick (if you saved him during the side job The Pickup) or Patricia, and you will not be able to get Dum Dum’s iconic variant of the DR5 Nova, Doom Doom.
If you are greeted by Brick, the entire encounter will be non-hostile and the mission will be entirely dialogue-based. If Patricia greets you at the door, then you will follow her through the bar and upstairs to the room they’re holding Nancy (Bes Isis) in. Once you follow Patricia to the room Nancy is in, you’ll be trapped into very close-quarters combat. The group has shotguns and pistols, so use the boxes in the room for cover and utilize quickhacks or smart guns to maximize the cover’s protection.
Escaping the Totentanz with Nancy
After finding Nancy, follow her downstairs to the elevator to escape the Totentanz with her. If Dum Dum and Royce are still alive, however, you will have the option to steal the data from them that Nancy was after and then escape the Totentanz through the men’s bathroom window. Either way, the mission goes, the club will become hostile so the only two options out are either guns blazing or stealthily escaping.
There are a few guards outside the men’s bathroom window ledge that you can take out any way you wish. After entering the rooms at the end of the walkway, you’ll fight a few robot enemies before arriving at the elevator.
To N54 News and Denny’s Mansion
Once you’ve both escaped the Totentanz, get in Nancy’s car (which has been covered in graffiti from the Maelstrom) and ride with her to the N54 News station headquarters. Once Nancy gets out of the car, you’ll have to drive to Denny’s mansion.
The Scene at Denny’s Mansion
Once you arrive at Denny’s, Johnny will suggest that you ring at the front gate, but nobody answers. Next, Johnny will suggest that you follow the tire tracks around the property because they’re fresh.
V will stumble upon a crazy scene. Kerry is hanging back while Denny and Henry are fighting over the cement which was poured into Denny’s swimming pool.
You will now have the choice to either choose Denny or Henry for the Samurai gig, but the choice will not affect the result of the mission. The choice is yours.
Once you make your choice, head over to where Denny threw the gold-plated baseball bat she was threatening Henry with. The gold-plated baseball bat is an iconic blunt weapon that can be upgraded to legendary tier with crafting skills.
This ends the side job Second Conflict, but automatically begins the side job A Like Supreme, the final side job in the Samurai reunion missions. V will be rewarded with 430 XP and 47 Street Cred XP for completing the side job.
For more related Cyberpunk 2077 guides, check out this guide on the next mission in this series of side jobs, A Like Supreme.