From all of Genshin Impact's support-focused characters, Bennett is considered one of the best and most functional ones, fitting a wide array of different combinations, and bosting your team - not only with a huge ATK boost but also by offering to heal to those affected by his Elemental Burst's area of effect.
We will now show you a Bennett build that will make you ready for any adventure that comes your way!
ATK, ATK, and More ATK!
The Royal Flower, part of the Noblesse Oblige set. Original Image: Gesnhin Impact Wiki.
Since Bennett's Elemental Skill, Passion Overload, and his Burst, Fantastic Voyage, both scale off his base attack stat, and his burst's HP regeneration scales off his Max HP, focusing on artifacts with the HP main stat is ideal. On the secondary stats side, focusing on Energy Recharge is advised, so that his Burst will always be available for that sweet healing and heavy damage. Use of an Energy Recharge goblet is advised.
That said, the Noblesse Oblige 4-piece set is ideal since it offers an increase in burst damage and an extra 20% attack boost when the character's burst is used, increasing Bennetts attack enhancing effects even more.
Talent-wise, to complete this build, you should focus primarily on his Elemental Burst, and them on his Skill. Remember, his ability to shine even on lower levels is also one of Bennett's best traits, and once upgraded to its first constellation ''Grand Expectation'', he becomes an unreplaceable piece for any damaging focused composition, helping you hit those big numbers easily.
A Fire-powered Battery
On the weapons side, getting a good sword with an energy recharge sub-stat is ideal, since, as we said above, his Burst is an extremely important part of his set.
With that in mind, on the 5-star side, the Skyward Blade will be our main choice, since it offers everything a Bennett build is looking for, even if its effect is not ideal for a supporting role.
The Skyward Blade sword. Original Image: Genshin Impact Wiki
On the 4-star side, we recommend the use of the Sacrificial Sword, since it offers the ability to exponentially make use of your Elemental Skill twice in a roll. That availability can be further enhanced if you have the weapon's 2nd refinement, but an unrefined one can also work wonders.
The Favonius Sword and the Festering Desire are also great picks, for their attack stat and their energy recharge focus. On a 3-star note, the Skyrider Sword can work well until you find a better-suited replacement.
From right to left, Sacrificial Sword, Favonius Sword, Festering Desire, and the Skyrider Sword. Original Images: Genshin Impact Wiki.
Adventurer Team, Assemble!
Bennett can work with any team and group of characters, for example, you can use his burst to increase Ningguang DPS potential even further, to increase Keqing's Burts Damage, and so forth. He can also become a battery for characters like Klee, Diluc, and the recently announced Hu Tao.
Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 4, mobile devices, and PC.
You can get Bennett or improve his constellations right now since he is part of the Keqing featured banner. Don't miss out on the chance to get one of the best supports in the game, and one who looks to be a great fit for Hu Tao!