Each new update to Warzone introduces meta changes and fresh weapons to the forefront of the battle royale to ensure that Warzone doesn't die out like its counterparts. The update to Warzone Season 2 introduced a lot more weapons than we were told of. Three more weapons squeezed their way into the game on top of the announced FARA 83 assault rifle and LC10 SMG; however, you won’t find them in your loadout’s at least at the moment. These weapons are the CX-9 SMG, Sykov pistol, and the RAAL MG.
People who have found the gun have noted that that the CX-9 has an incredible fire-rate and seems to melt enemies unlucky enough to fall under its sights. Without further ado, let's take a look at how you can get the Warzone Serac Blueprint and unlock the CX-9.
How to Get the Serac in Warzone from crates:
The current method people are using to get the Warzone Serac CX-9 is as a blueprint from a crate while in a match. While this method of obtaining is the main reason people have discovered the gun in season 2, it cannot be said to be the most efficient way given that the drop is purely random and solely depends on your luck.
Soap Operator Package:
In December 2020, the Soap Operator package was first leaked but hasn't yet emerged. However, the very Serac blueprint people are now in Warzone, one of the items the Soap Operator Package contains. The fact that the SMG and package CX-9 is now available indicates that the bundle will be released in the immediate future.
I too found a CX-9 in Warzone and it shreds. (Small Montage) from r/CODWarzone
For now, though, all you can do is keep opening the loot crates and hope you find it. The fire rate if the CX-9 is up there with weapons like the MAC-10. It has negligible recoil and with the Serac Blueprint granting it a 50-round mag it’ll shred through an enemy at close-range, and have enough left in the tank to finish off any third-party wishing to interfere.