Fischl is one of Genshin impact's most mysterious, famous, and eccentric characters, and has, since before the game launched, in September 2020, captured over the hearts of many of its fans. Being considered by many as one of the game's best supports.
Always accompanied by her loyal night raven Oz, the self-proclaimed Prinzessin der Verurteilung is sure to cause a commotion wherever she decides to go, which includes the battlefield, where Fischl is capable of bringing a storm upon her enemies, showing them her true might.
So, with that in mind, we will now show you a build that will teach everyone to respect the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!
Fischl Build: Bring on the Thunderstorm
Artifacts and Bows
Original Images: Genshin Impact Wiki
Fischl is a character able to perform well in both a supporting and in a DPS role, but for this build, we will focus on her as high damaging support.
With that in mind, and since Fischl is capable of dealing high amounts of Electro damage with her Elemental Skill ''Nightrider'', and her Elemental Burst ''Midnight Phantasmagoria'', both in which bring Oz to the field to deal Elemental Damage. We recommend you to go with a 2-piece Thundering Fury, since it will give Fischl a 15% Electro Damage bonus, increasing OZ's damage.
On the other hand, keeping in mind that Fischl's talents scale of her total ATK, we also recommend the use of a 2 piece Gladiator's Finale, which offers a 15% ATK increase,
Don't forget to use an Electro Damage Goblet!
You can get the Thundering Fury set on the Midsummer Courtyard domain, and the Gladiators Finale set can be acquired by killing world bosses.
- If you plan on using her to cause reactions, using a full Thundering Fury set is recommended, for its reaction damage bonus.
On the weapons side, the game offers a wide variety of bows, and of all of them, our main choice will be the 4-star bow The Stringless, since it offers a huge boost in her Elemental Skill, and Burst, which, in this build, will be her main source of damage.
- The Battle Pass Bow, The Viridescent Hunt, is also a good choice since it offers a huge boost CRIT Rate. But keep in mind that it is far from the ideal for this build.
On the 5-star side, the Skyward Harp would be our main choice, since it offers a huge boost in attack, and increases both the characters' CRIT Damage, and CRIT Rate by a substantial amount.
Talents and Team Composition
Fischl's Elemental Skill, which summons Oz to the field to deal damage, and enables various reactions, makes her one of the game's best supports. So make sure to focus on it first. Is important to point out that her constellations also improve her Elemental Skill significantly.
Since this Fischl build will be focused on keeping Oz in the field as much as possible. Using her Elemental Skill, whenever is available, to support your DPS is key.
With that said, Fischl's set and constellations work extremely well with Elemental DPS's, capable of causing multiple reactions, like Hu Tao, and Tartaglia (Childe).
- Using her together with Cryo to increase your DPS Physical damage can also work well.
Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, via backward compatibility, mobile devices, and PC. The game's current version 1.4 is already at full speed, so don't miss out!