Among all of Genshin Impact's characters, one of the most underestimated ones is the Outrider for the Knights of Favonius, and Mondstadts Guiding Champion, Amber. Stay tuned because I've prepared Amber DPS Build!
Maybe because she is the first playable character players meet, except for the Travelers, or the fact that, as a starter character, her set is considered basic by a large amount of the community. But Amber became an underdog among the game's top tiers, winning the hearts of loyal fans always willing to showcase time and time again her true potential.
With that in mind, we will now show you an Amber build Worthy of a True Outrider! Ready?
Amber DPS Build - A True Sharpshooter
Amber is a character whose main strength lies in her Charged shots, fully charged or not, and on the amount of Pyro Damage that she can inflict on opponents. Not only that, but her Barron Bunny can also act as a decoy, allowing her a better positioning on the battlefield.
It's good to point out that, between all of the game's characters, Amber is one of the ones who rely the most on her charged attacks, so keep that in mind, if you want to build her as a DPS. If this playstyle is not for you, she can also be a great Pyro support and a high-tier shield melter.
With that in mind, this Amper DPS build will be focused on increasing her normal charged shot overall damage, as well as her Pyro damage input.
For this build, we advise you to have at least her first constellation unlocked since it offers her a double-charged shot.
Based on the many studies and inputs by the community, the overall opinion is that, since she relies so much on her charged shots, a max out Sharpshooter's Oath (3-star) would be our main choice for her, for its increase on charged damage, in the case of headshots, and its CRIT DMG substat.
If you were lucky enough to get it, the Amos' Bow (5-star) would be the best in-game weapon for her, since it offers an insane amount of ATK, and its passive, which increases normal and charged attacks even further.
On the side of the artifacts, a full Wanderer's Troupe set would be ideal, since it offers Elemental Mastery, which increases her Pyro input, and an insane bonus in charged attack damage (35%).
In the sub-stats, go for as much CRIT Rate, and DMG as possible, and use a Pyro Damage goblet to increase the damage of her Skill, burst, and elemental Charged shot.
Talents and Constellations
In the talents department, for this build, you should prioritize her normal/charged attacks, and her Elemental Burst, for that good Special Move at the end.
If you have her second constellation unlocked, upgrading her Skill is also a must, for its damage increase.
Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation4, PlayStation 5, mobile devices, and PC, through miHoYo's official game launcher. The game is one of the most popular and acclaimed titles at the moment, winning the hearts of the world, and many awards on multiple platforms.
This guide was made based on our own experience, and in the input of the game's community, on both the game's official Reddit page, and in the character-focused community r/Ambermains.
You can check out more guides related to the game here.