With the release of Zhongli and the upcoming release of Albedo in the 1.2 patch of Genshin Impact, it would be fitting to explore the most important artifact domain to unleash the full potential of these Geo characters.
The domain of Guyun is located within the Guyun Stone Forest in Liyue.
When to do the domain
Recommendations and Guide
The recommendations for what characters to use and what elements to avoid can be seen in the table below.
* Characters in boxes are recommendations for free to play players.
Although you are recommended not to bring in Pyro characters at higher levels, you can still use Pyro characters as long as you have a good healer that can heal faster than the damage that you take. This is especially true for people with Pyro characters as their main DPS.
For example, you can bring in a Level 80 Diluc and a Level 80 Qiqi, but do note that your elemental reactions and damage might get interrupted due to the damage that you will take from the reactions. Despite the recommendations in the game to use Electro characters, it is still possible for you to complete the domain without an Electro character. To break the shields of the 2 Cryo Abyss Mages for Level VI, you can also use swirl by any Anemo character (including the Traveller).
Do note that the drop rates are not very good for levels I-V so I would suggest using at least level 80 characters to do Level VI. Given that ruin guards/ruin hunter is present in Level V and VI, use a Cryo character (such as Diona, Qiqi, Kaeya, Chongyun) and a Hydro character (such as Childe, Barbara, Xingqiu, Mona) to freeze the ruin guards/hunter. Additionally, remember to bring an archer to strike the weak points in Levels V and VI.
Artifact Sets and Usage
The Archaic Petra set is arguably the best set for Geo characters such as Ningguang, Zhongli and Albedo and even the Geo traveller if you are so inclined. With a 15% increase in Geo DMG for a 2 piece set, a 5 star 2-set can easily increase Ningguang’s damage as a main or sub DPS.
Though the 4 piece set allows all party members to gain 35% DMG for their respective element, getting a 2-set is still more important when levelling your Geo characters. The respective sets and combinations that can be used to build a main DPS Ningguang will be explored in the Ningguang build article in the future.
I have included my Ningguang build above as an example.
If you are more interested in building a sub DPS Ningguang/Zhongli, you can use the Retracing Bolide artifact set (as well as the 2 piece Archaic Petra set) gives a 35% increase in shield strength.
This Retracing Bolide 2-set can be paired with the Archaic Petra 2-set to give a good sub DPS, especially for Zhongli given his sub DPS nature and how his meteorite ultimate will hence do more damage.
Here is my Zhongli artifact build as an example.
Thank you for reading this article and do leave a comment below about what domain you would like to see next, so that we can make a guide for it specifically!