The Mimi Tomo Event requires you to look for The Unusual Hilichurl. Through looking for other hilichurls that are willing to give you more information and combatting other enemies, you will be able to find the hilichurl at a set time. You will be able to participate in this event as long as you have reached Adventure Rank 20. This article will guide you on the various quests you need to complete to find each day's hilichurl. As such, this article will be updated as the event continues.
General Tips
- Use your Hilichurlian book (shown above) to search up the meanings of hilichurlian
- Ensure that you kill the Hydro Samachurl when fighting the Unusual Hilichurl so that it cannot heal the Unusual Hilichurl. Otherwise, ensure that you knock the Unusual Hilichurl out of the healing circle
- Use a shield character in your team such as Zhongli or Diona to ensure that your attacks are not knocked back by Shield Mitachurls or other hilichurls that are summoned
- Ensure that you do not hit the Unusual Hilichurl out of the original area that you are supposed to defeat it (this can be seen on your minimap after it spawns), or it will respawn with full health in the original area
Day 1
- Give the first Hilichurl a fish
- Speak to the Hilichurl next to the berries, the rest are hostile and will not speak to you
- Fight two waves of Treasure Hoarders
- Unusual Hilichurl will only spawn from 12 am onwards, change your time so that it will appear!
Day 2
- Fight 2 Geovishap Hatchlings and 1 Geovishap
- Hilichurl is found next to the mint plant
- Defeat 12 Treasure Hoarders in three waves
- Unusual Hilichurl will spawn from 12pm to 6pm (afternoon), change your time so that it will appear!
Day 3
- The Hilichurl is located at the edge of the cliff
- Fight 1 Hydro, 1 Pyro and 2 Cryo Abyss Mages, along with 2 Electro Hilichurls
- Give the Hilichurl a Small Lamp Grass or Luminescent Spine, the Hilichurl is located next to the tree
- Unusual Hilichurl will only spawn from 12 am onwards, change your time so that it will appear!
Day 4
- Meet the first Hilichurl next to the Bamboo Shoot, give it a Flaming flower stamen
- Give the second Hilichurl located next to several Anemo Slimes a Magical Crystal Chunk
- Unusual Hilichurl will spawn from 12pm to 6pm (afternoon), change your time so that it will appear!
Day 5
- Meet the first Hilichurl next to a mushroom
- Fight two waves of Treasure Hoarders
- Find the second Hilichurl located by the river (next to the cattails) and give it Rice
- Unusual Hilichurl will spawn from 6pm to 12am (evening), change your time so that it will appear! Ensure that you avoid the Fatui so you won't have to defeat them while killing the Hilichurl
Day 6
- Find the Hilichurl by the edge of the cliff, give it butterfly wings
- Defeat the two waves of Fatui Skirmishers
- Unusual Hilichurl will spawn from 12pm to 6pm (afternoon), change your time so that it will appear!
Day 7
- Find the Hilichurl at the foot of the mountain, give it wheat
- Defeat the Fatui Skirmishers, Electro Cicin Mage and Pyro Agent
- Unusual Hilichurl will spawn from 6am to 12pm (morning), change your time so that it will appear!
The required materials for the Liyue furnishings are below (in order of your receipt as the event goes along):
- Embroidered Lantern: Lofty Grandeur
- 12x Sandbearer Wood, 3x Fabric, 3x Red Dye
- Embroidered Curtains
- 12x Fabric, 12x Red Dye
- Floral Screen: Jade and Gold
- 12x Fabric, 6x Yellow Dye, 6x Red Dye
- Thundering Heavens Drum
- 12x Sandbearer Wood, 6x Fabric, 6x Yellow Dye
- Lantern-Lit Stage: Crescendo
- 6x Fragrant Cedar Wood, 6x Sandbearer Wood, 6x Red Dye
- Silk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine Sky
- 12x Fabric, 6x Red Dye, 6x Yellow Dye
- Tasselled Lantern: Deck the Streets
- 6x Sandbearer Wood, 6x Fabric, 6x Red Dye
We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you are enjoying the new updates in the 1.5 version of Genshin Impact! Head here if you would like to read a Yanfei build guide, here to read a Eula build guide or here to read about the Battlefront: Misty Dungeon Event. Let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!