Klee can be built as a Main DPS character that capitalises on her Pyro DMG. It is difficult to give her a Sub DPS role since many recommended weapons require her to be on the field. This article will introduce you to the weapons and artifacts to use on Klee, as well as the party setup you can use with her. I will include options for free to play players, as well as beginners.
Klee works well with CRIT Rate/DMG and ATK sub-stat weapons. If possible, I would recommend using a 5 star weapon (Skyward Atlas or Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds).
Skyward Atlas has an ATK sub-stat. Apart from increasing the Elemental DMG Bonus, normal attacks have a 50% chance to deal 160% ATK DMG to nearby opponents. This is definitely a great choice for Klee through increased Elemental DMG and greater AoE.
The Royal Grimoire can be obtained from the Shop- Paimon's Bargains. I have written about the Royal weapons series vs the Blackcliff weapons series, you can read more about it here. The passive gives a CRIT Rate buff of 8%, with a maximum of 5 stacks. Since this circumvents the low CRIT Rate issue, this weapon might be rather beneficial especially considering that it's F2P.
Mappa Mare can be crafted at the Blacksmith and has an Elemental Mastery sub-stat. It works best if you have other characters in your team that can make elemental reactions since the passive gives an 8% Elemental DMG bonus after triggering an elemental reaction. This catalyst is definitely an excellent F2P choice or a choice for beginners.
I would recommend CRIT weapons over ATK weapons since these allow you to have the optimal 1:2 ratio of CRIT Rate and CRIT Damage.
Lost Prayer has a CRIT Rate sub-stat and is an optimal choice as a 5 star weapon. Apart from increasing movement speed, it gives an 8% Elemental DMG bonus which can have up to 4 stacks. This lasts until the character leaves combat, so it works better for a Main DPS Klee and less for a Sub DPS role.
The Widsith has a CRIT Damage sub-stat and a passive that is tuned to more elemental reactions in the group, through buffs to Elemental Mastery, Elemental DMG and ATK.
Solar Pearl can be obtained from the Battle Pass, which you can read more about here. Apart from the optimal CRIT Rate sub-stat, normal attacks buff Elemental Skill and Burst DMG, while Elemental DMG buff normal attacks as well. This weapon also favours a more Main DPS role for Klee, so do consider that before purchasing this weapon from the Battle Pass!
As a beginner, you could use Mappa Mare for now and save up to obtain the Royal or Blackcliff series through Paimon's Bargains if you choose to remain F2P.
Klee can use a 4-set of Crimson Witch of Flames, especially if you have Hydro and Cryo Support and Utility characters in your team. Otherwise, you might prefer a 2-set Crimson and 2-set Gladiators.
A 4 set of Crimson Witch of Flames works best with Hydro and Cryo Support characters on your team. The 4 set benefit of increased elemental reaction damage can be reaped if you use Xingqiu, an amazing support character. With his rainswords activated and Klee's elemental skill activated, it allows for constant Vaporise reactions. With Kaeya or Diona, it could allow for Melt reactions too. Since Klee is used for her Pyro attacks, I would definitely recommend this 4 set.
This set can be obtained from the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula, you can read more about the domain here.
The Gladiator's Finale set can be obtained from fighting bosses such as the Regisvines, Hypostases, Oceanid, Wolf, Childe and Stormterror or you can obtain them from completing the Spiral Abyss and Abyssal Spire. I would not recommend a 4 piece Gladiator's Finale Set on Klee due to the Pyro nature of her attacks, so she works better with Pyro DMG than Physical DMG.
If you just started playing Genshin Impact, you might want to use the Berserker's set 4 piece (which can be obtained from bosses) for the increase in CRIT Rate in the meantime, but definitely do switch out when you reach a higher level.
The stats and sub-stats that you should prioritise are as below:
- Flower sub-stats: Crit DMG, Crit Rate and ATK
- Feather sub-stats: Crit DMG, Crit Rate and ATK
- Watch stat: ATK%
- Goblet stat: Pyro DMG Bonus (can be any artifact set, as long as the main stat is Pyro DMG)
- Mask stat: Crit DMG or Crit Rate (depending on your weapon sub-stat and other artifact sub-stats)
However, if you would like to use Klee as a Sub-DPS (Burst Support), you can use an Elemental Mastery main-stat Mask. This allows for better reactions with your Hydro characters, potentially Tartaglia or Mona as the Main DPS.
The best order to upgrade Klee's talents is below:
Jumpy Dumpty > Kaboom! > Sparks 'n' Splash
Party Setup
A great support character for Klee would be Diona as her Shield and Ultimate can proc a "Melt" reaction for Klee. Characters such as Kaeya or Chongyun could also work, as they can quickly affect enemies with Cryo. Xingqiu can also be used on your team with Klee. A Vaporise reaction will not do as much Pyro damage as a Melt reaction, but Xingqiu's rainswords and abilities make him a good addition. If you are using Klee in Daily Commissions or enemy material hunting, you might want to bring a Healer or Shield character to prevent Klee from taking too much damage on burning grass.
If Overloaded is a reaction you favour, having Fischl on your team with Klee has great potential as well. Since Klee and Fischl both have elemental skills that can be placed, this combination can consistently deal Overloaded damage to your enemies. There aren't any specific healers to avoid with Klee, since her damage does not scale off HP. If Klee is your Main DPS, using Qiqi could help you to deal Melt damage easily and repetitively too.
Klee is more suited for a Main DPS build but still shines despite her role in your team. Her fun playstyle and high DMG numbers make her a great addition to your character collection. Though we cannot be sure of when she might have a re-run, the current trends with Venti, Tartaglia and Zhongli indicate that you might have another chance to get our favourite Crimson Knight, perhaps in the Ludi Harpastum version. We hope that you found this article helpful and do let us know if there are other articles you would like to read in future.