With the release of Xiao in the 1.3 Patch, Valley of Remembrance is the domain to grind. Apart from the Viridescent Venerer's set that should be used on all Anemo characters, the Maiden Beloved set should be used on all healer characters such as Barbara, Qiqi and Diona.
The domain is located near Dawn Winery and has a stove outside to cook food if required in between your domain runs. As usual, it would be best to do Level V of the domain for higher rewards and you should only do artifact domains at AR 40 at least. Though this domain is available for lower Adventure Ranks, do save your resin for character, weapon and talent levelling instead. Particularly, the Tiny Miracle 4 star 2set and 4set stats are not great, so doing the domain at a lower level will only give artifacts for levelling.
Recommendations and Guide
For all levels of the domain, you should bring a healer, particularly for Level II to V since the Fatui Pyro Agents do targeted attacks that can easily wipe out half your character's HP. For this same reason, I would also recommend bringing a shield character such that you will take less DMG from the attacks.
For Levels III to V, bring a Cryo character such that can break the Electro Mage shield. You can also bring a Pyro character since Overloaded can break the shield as well. For Level V, the Cryo Potioneers make it difficult if you bring Barbara as a healer since she gives you a "Wet" status that will make you Frozen if you do not dodge in time.
If you have Ganyu, do bring her for the domain since her ranged attack styles are great for the Electro Mage shield. Additionally, the 75% increase in Physical DMG bonus might make it more worth it to bring a Claymore character with a Physical DMG build e.g. Razor, Xinyan, Beidou.
Artifacts Sets and Guide
The Tiny Miracle set is rather situational due to the required Elemental DMG from enemies in its 4set and the Elemental RES increased in the 2set which is not very helpful for your characters. Hence, I would recommend using other sets apart from Tiny Miracle at the start of your journey in Genshin Impact. The Travelling Doctor set might be helpful initially if you are struggling with low Maximum HP, you can use a 2set for increased incoming healing. The 4set that allows for restoring 20% of HP might be helpful in the first few floors of Spiral Abyss as well, but do not use these sets if you are past AR30.
The Viridescent Venerer's Set should be used for all Anemo Characters. Support characters such as Sucrose can use the 4 set due to the increased Swirl DMG and lower Elemental RES of enemies. This would be helpful when using Sucrose in your team against single bosses such as the Regisvines, swirling with the same element of your Main DPS. Hence, you can do higher CRIT DMG with this build on your Sucrose.
DPS Characters such as Xiao can use a 2 set due to the increased Anemo DMG which benefits with each plunge done in Xiao's ultimate.
Maiden Beloved set is the best one for all healer characters. The 2 set benefit gives Healing Effectiveness, while the 4 set benefit gives increased healing received by party members from Elemental Skills or Ultimate. This 4 set is particularly good for characters that have a low Skill Cooldown or for characters that heal only through their Ultimate (such as Diona).
This domain is definitely one to grind if you have Anemo characters (or even if you would like to use the Anemo traveller) and to make your heals more effective. We hope you found the article helpful and do look out for more domain guides in future!