In this guide, we will provide a brief description of how to unlock all the trophies in The Medium.
This guide is complemented by our collectibles guide for the game.
Use Insight for at least 15 minutes.
This achievement is pretty straightforward. The mechanic “insight” is used by holding LB in-game. You don’t need to do all 15 minutes at once, it accumulates over time and can be done throughout the game. You will most likely unlock this passively during your playthrough, but be careful, this is a missable achievement so if you finish your playthrough without getting it, you will need to start afresh.
Left Behind
Find an Echo.
This achievement overlaps with the more elaborate “Calling Out to Me” achievement. You can reference that to complete this one.
Calling Out to Me
Find all Echoes in a single playthrough.
In a single playthrough, there are a total of 32 echoes. Echoes are attached to collectible items in the game. When you’re in the vicinity of one, you’ll hear whispers and faint voices. These echoes can be identified by holding LB while inspecting the item they are linked to. Doing so will play a memory.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
I Know the Pieces Fit
Reconstruct a Memory Shard.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Puzzling Out the Past
Reconstruct all Memory Shards in a single playthrough.
In a single playthrough, there are a total of 10 memory shards. Shards can be found near the feather-like things that float. Interacting with them allows you to re-form them. Once they have been reformed, hold them in place briefly, and the memory sequence will play.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Guiding Light
Find a page from a mentor’s diary.
This achievement overlaps with the more elaborate “Devouring Darkness” achievement. You can reference that to complete this one.
Devouring Darkness
Find all pages from Richard’s diary in a single playthrough.
For this achievement, you will need to collect all the Mentor’s Diaries items. There are a total of 7 per playthrough, in the form of collectible notes.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
A Dangerous Method
Find a note from a troubled man.
This achievement overlaps with the more elaborate “An Unknown Outcome” achievement. You can reference that to complete this one.
An Unknown Outcome
Find all of Thomas’ notes in a single playthrough.
In a single playthrough, you can find 20 “Troubled Man’s Notes”. Similar to the Mentor’s Diaries, these items are also in the form of collectible notes.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
From Niwa with Love
Find a postcard from the groundskeeper.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
All That’s Left Unsaid
Find all of Frank’s postcards in a single playthrough.
In a single playthrough there are a total of 11 “Frank’s Postcards” that can be collected.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Caught the Scent
Find an Echo of a mysterious caller.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Followed the Trail
Find all of Henry’s Echoes in a single playthrough.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Spirit Walking
Spend 10 minutes outside your body.
In order to unlock this achievement, you need to use the puzzle-solving mechanic that lets you be outside your body. In order to do this, hold B while the split-screen is active. This lets you move freely outside of your body in the other world. Be mindful of the time you spend this way because you will have a limited amount of time to return to your body. If the time runs out and you fade away, you will die. The mechanic itself is unlocked through story progression. The easiest way to unlock this achievement is to use it as soon as you acquire the ability, hold B and just wait until you start fading. Then, return to your body and repeat the process until you get the achievement. Keep in mind that this is a missable achievement, so if you don’t complete this achievement before the end of your playthrough, you will have to restart from scratch in another playthrough.
Escape the creature without alerting it.
The Phantom is a terrifying creature that you come across several times throughout the game. You need to be very careful and not get caught while trying to escape it. If you get caught, don’t bother continuing. Just quit and retry. If you choose to continue, this achievement will remain unlocked even if you don’t get caught in subsequent encounters. Stay hidden and still when he is searching and move when he is not looking at you. You need to do this for the first four encounters. After the fourth encounter, you need to pick up the bolt cutters and use them to exit the door. That’s when the achievement will unlock.
Famished Feline
Feed the cat in Jack’s apartment.
This achievement can be unlocked right at the start of the game. In Jack’s apartment, you can find a can of cat food on the kitchen counter. Pick it up by pressing X. Then, head to the cat’s food bowl lying on the floor. Interact with it to fill the bowl with cat food. Take care to do this before you leave the apartment.
Edge of Sanity
Acquire the razor.
This is technically a story-related achievement as you need the razor to progress through the game. You can find it while doing an out-of-body experience. In the other world inside the hotel, as soon as you drop through the hole in the ground on the second floor, there will be a blood-filled bathtub. The razor will be inside it.
Cut the Crap
Acquire the bolt cutters.
This achievement is story-related and unlocks automatically as you need the boltcutters to progress in the game. You can find the boltcutters after freeing the souls of Nicolas and Tori.
Through the Looking Glass
Use a mirror to cross over.
This achievement is story-related and unlocks automatically.
Inner Investigator
Inspect 25 objects in a single playthrough.
This achievement overlaps with the more elaborate “Psychic Sleuth” achievement. You can reference that to complete this one.
Dual Detective
Inspect 50 objects in a single playthrough.
This achievement overlaps with the more elaborate “Psychic Sleuth” achievement. You can reference that to complete this one.
Psychic Sleuth
Inspect 100 objects in a single playthrough.
This achievement can be unlocked by inspecting 100 different objects in one playthrough. While this may seem like a boorish, daunting task, it doesn’t actually take all that much effort. There are well over 100 objects that can be inspected, and you might even unlock it (or at least put a sizeable dent in it) whilst gathering all the collectibles. In order to inspect an interactable object, you need to approach it and interact with it by pressing X when prompted. If you’re diligent, you can easily unlock this fairly early in the game.
To complete all the collectibles-related achievements, check out our guide on how to get all the collectibles in The Medium.
Defeat the creature in the flooded ruins.
This achievement is story-related and unlocks automatically.
Medium Rare
Burn through the moths using Spirit Shield.
This is technically a story-related achievement as you need to do this in order to progress through the game. You need to place the sunflower in the vase in order to gain spirit shield. You can use the spirit shield by pressing RB and walking through the hallways full of moths. When done properly, this achievement should pop up during the second moth-filled hallway.
Use Spirit Blast to create electricity.
This achievement is story-related and unlocks automatically.
Running Sim
Run 2 kilometers.
This achievement is another passive one. As you progress through the game, simply hold LT to run. The distance you run accumulates over time.
The following achievements are straightforward. They don't require any specific guides as such as they get unlocked automatically by playing through the game.
The Last Goodbye
Send Jack’s spirit away.
Welcome to Niwa
Reach the hotel.
The Cheerful Kind
Meet Sadness.
You Saw, You Ran, You Lived
Survive a monstrous encounter.
The Childeater
Experience your first vision of Thomas.
Send the Childeater away.
Among the Ashes
Find the Red House.
The Hound
Experience your second vision of Thomas.
Send the Hound away.
The Pact
Uncover the mystery of the burned-down house.
Dark Water
Make it through the pump station.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Complete the broken mirror.
Can’t Always Save Everyone
Finish the game.
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