Apart from the long-awaited Xiao banner in the 1.3 update, there are some other new and exciting quests within the game that you can start to complete before the Lantern Rite event begins.
Primo Geovishap
The Primo Geovishap can be unlocked by accessing the event page and is located in a cave east of Tianqiu Valley. I personally feel that it is easier to climb from the teleport waypoint at Nantianmen since the other teleport waypoint near Tianqiu Valley might alert the Fatui Skirmishers in the area when flying down.
Using characters that generate shields is extremely helpful for this enemy, I used Zhongli's shield for this fight particularly because of his buff in the recent update. Out of all the attacks, the 360 spin attack does most combo damage and can be avoided through a shield, dashing out of the frame or through using your ultimate skill for the invincible frames.
When the Geovishap releases spikes and digs underground, do take note of the AoE damage that is done around the leftover spikes, which can be ignored if you have a tanky shield. Dodging behind the Geovishap also prevents you from taking damage if he spits elemental damage, so do take note of his various attacks when fighting him.
Additionally, there is an achievement that you can get by using a Geo shield/shield of a matching element to the Geovishap and doing damage. I completed this achievement with Zhongli, free to play players can consider using Noelle for this instead. If you would like to have a basic understanding and overview of the banner's 4 star shield characters, you can read my previous guide here.
Five Flushes of Fortune
In this event, you have 10 photos that you can take per day, so do make full use of all the photos! You are able to take photos of most items that can be picked up, including local specialities. You might find it easier to take photos of items that are in groups such that you can then take at least 3 images in one location, such as Jueyun Chilis and Sunsettias.
For day one of the event, Jueyun Chilis can be found in Qingce Village and near the domain Taishan Mansion. You can refer to the Genshin Interactive Map here to find local specialties or any items that could fit the colour of the day. For example, for "Red", one can use Jueyun Chilis and Silk Flowers.
Once you are done with all the films from one day, you can go back to Ji Tong at Liyue Harbour to exchange for rewards. Since you are able to exchange for rewards 8 times (and the event lasts for 7 days), do trade with your friends to get different coloured photographs to fulfil the full set!
The world quest "Perfect Shot" that you may have noticed in the Reputation for Liyue can be unlocked after the event, so don't worry about it for now.
Parametric Transformer
The Parametric Transformer is incredibly useful and can help you to get rid of your hoarded local specialties if you have not already used them for character level-ups. It can be obtained by speaking to Lan next to the Adventurer's Guild in Liyue Harbour and finding a "treasure" at Dunyu Ruins. After completing the quest, you will receive the Parametric Transformer which can then be placed in your world to be used - no crafting is required!
Do ensure that the Sunsettias/Apples that you might use do not clash with any materials that you might require later on for cooking, such as the Northern Apple Stew or making Jam for the Mondstadt Hash Browns.
You then need to use elemental skills in order to speed up the process of the transmutation, I would recommend using characters that have skills that can be placed in the world, such as Zhongli's Pillar or Qiqi's Herald of Frost. For Free to Play players, you can use Xiangling's Guoba or Fischl's Oz to deal constant elemental damage. Of course, this isn't very important as the transmutation will not take too long anyway.
Once you are done, you can then get this achievement. Additionally, you will have completed the world quest of Trials of Tianqiu. Since this device can only be used once every week, you might want to set a reminder to use it again such that you do not miss out on any additional levelling material that you can get.
Do remember to collect the world quest reputation rewards from the Liyue Harbour Reputation from completing these world quests, especially if you have not already reached Level 8. We hope this guide has been helpful to make the most out of your experience in the 1.3 patch and good luck in getting the 5 star character or weapon that you want!