Yae Miko is the newest 5-star character that has been released in the 2.5 Version of Genshin Impact. She has a Sub DPS/Burst DPS role and can be used to place down her E totems then her Ultimate. You can build her to either spam her ultimate or as a Main DPS, though I would recommend using her for her E and Q only, since her scaling for her normal and charged attacks isn't high and she is still an Electro character who won't do as much elemental DMG. The materials she requires are below:
The Meaning of Aeons is earned through defeating the weekly boss End of the Oneiric Euthymia, giving 1 or 2 each time at higher levels, while the Dragonheir's False Fin required for leveling is obtained from the Coral Defenders, the newest world boss in Enkanomiya. The Famed Handguard is used to level Miko and her talents and is dropped by Nobushi (the small mobs in Inazuma). Her talent books required are Philosophies of Light, which can be obtained in the Violet Court Domain. She uses Sea Ganoderma as her leveling material.
This article will introduce you to the weapons and artifacts to use on Miko, as well as the party setup you can use with her. I will include options for free-to-play players, as well as beginners.
For a damage showcase, do go to my Instagram for a video and my build!
Yae Weapons
Yae works best with CRIT Rate/CRIT DMG sub-stat weapons. If possible, I would recommend using a 5-star weapon (Kagura's Verity). Otherwise, you can also use the free catalyst Oathsworn Eye that can be obtained by completing the current Enkanomiya event. You can use the weapons below:
The Kagura's Verity catalyst is the best option for Yae, but might not be very attainable for F2P players, despite the current weapon banner wishing system. The passive of the Kagura's Verity increases Elemental Skill DMG by 12% for 16s and this has a maximum of 3 stacks. The character will gain 12% of all Elemental DMG Bonuses after 3 stacks have been obtained.
Alternatively, you can use the Widsith for the CRIT DMG sub-stat. When a character takes the field, they will either have increased ATK by 60%, increased Elemental DMG by 48% or increased Elemental Mastery by 240.
The Solar Pearl is another option that can be obtained by purchasing the Battle Pass. It has a CRIT Rate sub-stat and normal attacks increase Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 20% for 6s. Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG also increase Normal attack DMG by 20% for 6s. Do note that you will need to trigger this passive by using Yae's normal attack. For more information on the BP weapons, do refer to my guide here.
The Oathsworn Eye has an ATK sub-stat and can be obtained in the current Enkanomiya event. It is the best F2P weapon for Yae. The passive increases Energy Recharge by 24% for 10s after using an Elemental Skill, hence allowing for you to focus more on Yae as a Burst DPS.
For F2P players, I would also recommend the Hakushin Ring with an Energy Recharge sub-stat, to focus on using her as a Burst DPS. Triggering an Electro elemental reaction gives party members (with the involved elemental reaction) a 10% Elemental DMG Bonus for their element for 6s.
Alternatively, you can use the craftable Mappa Mare for the Elemental Mastery sub-stat. Triggering an Elemental reaction grants an 8% Elemental DMG bonus for 10s with a maximum of 2 stacks. The other craftable weapons (Prototype Amber, Frostbearer) aren't great options for her due to the Sub-stat or Passive. If you have been playing since the Golden Apple Archipelago, I would not recommend the Dodoco Tales weapon since Yae won't use much of her normal and charged attacks.
Yae Artifacts
Yae should use a 2-set of Gladiator's Finale/Shimenawa's Reminiscence and a 2-set of Thundering Fury. The Gladiators/Shimenawa set increases ATK by 18% while the Thundering Fury set increases Electro DMG Bonus by 15%.
The Shimenawa's Reminiscence set can be obtained from the Momiji-Dyed Court Domain.
The Thundering Fury set can be obtained from the Midsummer Courtyard Domain. For a guide on completing the domain, you can click here.
The stats and sub-stats that you should prioritise are as below:
- Flower sub-stats: CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
- Feather sub-stats: CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
- Watch stat: ATK%
- Goblet stat: Electro DMG Bonus
- Mask stat: CRIT DMG (since her ascension stat is CRIT Rate, but typically depends on your weapon)
Although Miko's ascension talent gives a buff to her Elemental Skill based on her Elemental Mastery, I would recommend ATK% over Elemental Mastery since the EM scaling does not help her Ultimate.
Yae Talents
The best order to upgrade your talents is below.
Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura > Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin > Spiritfox: Sin Eater
You can see my upgraded talents above, but do note that I am only leveling her normal attack since I plan to triple crown Yae Miko.
Party Setup
With Yae as a Burst DPS, you should use Electro characters as a Battery such as Raiden Shogun/Fischl for more elemental particles. You can also use Support characters such as Kazuha/Sucrose to decrease RES and increase Elemental Mastery. For example, you can see my team setup below:
I have yet to level Sucrose since I only have C2 of her right now, so I use Yae as Burst DPS, Raiden Shogun for Battery, Diona for Heals, Shield, and Buff and Xingqiu for more elemental reactions. If you have Kazuha or Sucrose, I would recommend replacing Xingqiu with them. You can also use Bennett instead of Diona, but I choose Diona since I have C6 of her and Elegy for the End on her.
Overall, Yae seems to be a rather broken Burst DPS character (from my own builds) with her main limitation being the high Energy cost of her Ultimate. However, this can be overcome with an Electro character as a battery on your team.
We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you will enjoy the new updates in the 2.5 version of Genshin Impact (more information here)! For more information on Yae, do look out for my future article on her constellations since they are rather game-changing. Do look out for more Genshin guides from me and let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!