In Hades, Supergiant Games' latest success, and one of the most acclaimed games of 2020, players are put in the blazing sandals of Prince Zagreus, the heir to the Underworld and the only son of Hades, the God of the Dead, as he fights his way out of his father's domains and towards the surface, and his destiny. But Zagreus is not alone, since he counts with the help of his many allies, which features not only the Gods residing at Mount Olympus, but also the deities and habitants of the Underworld.  Among his many allies, there are the mysterious Infernal Arms, legendary weapons, each possessing their own will, and which the Prince can wield in battle to show his true, and their potential. And, between all Infernal Arms, the Shield of Chaos is one of the best, since it offers both a boost in the Prince's survivability and in his overall damage. With that said, we will now teach you how to unlock all the aspects of the Shield of Chaos.

How to Unlock All the Aspects of the Shield of Chaos

Aspect of Zagreus

How to Unlock All the Aspects of the Shield of Chaos

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

The game's first Aspect, available in exchange for 3 Chthonic Keys.

The Aspect of Zagreus is a defense-oriented weapon, making use of the default setting of the shield, composed by its charged attack ''Bull Rush',' which sets the character in a defensive position as long as the button is pressed and then, the moment you let it go, it causes Zagreus to rush forward dealing damage.  

Its Special is a simple shield trow. 

Aspect of Chaos

hades zeus aspect

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

For many, the best Aspect for the Shield of Chaos, the Aspect of Chaos gives Zagreus the ability to throw multiple shields after a ''Bull Rush'', by tapping the Special command. 

You can unlock the Aspect of Chaos in exchange for 1 unit of Titan Blood.  

  • It's important to point out that, to be able to use the ability to its fullest, is advised to upgrade the shield to at least level 3, which will cost 5 ounces of Titan Blood, and will allow Zagreus to trow 3 extra shields.  

Aspect of Zeus

hades chaos aspect

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

The third Aspect of the Shield of Chaos, the Aspect of Zeus, gives the weapon a great AoE ability, by transforming its special (trow) into ''Blitz Disc'', which sends the shield flying towards the target as it rotates and deals AoE damage.

It's important to point out that even if the shield is in the field, Zagreus still can perform Normal/Charged attacks. 

Aspect of Beowulf

hades aspect beuwulf

IMAGE: Hades Wiki / Supergiant Games 

The hidden aspect for the Shield of Chaos, the Aspect of Beowulf, just like all the others of his kind, is a little trickier to unlock, since first, you need to reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu for the Ethereal Spear, spend at least 5 ounces of Titan Blood in non-Zagreus aspects for the Shield, and then talk to chaos after visiting them while equipped with the shield, so that you can unlock the weapons following awakening phase: ''I bear a message for you, Son of Hades. One recorded in an age when certain concepts it describes did not yet all exists. Remember this: I see you stand your ground against the serpent's flame. A waking-phrase, to which you and the all-seeing artifact of my creation may respond.''

After all this, you only need to interact with the shield in the House of Hades to reveal the Aspect, which can be unlocked with 3 ounces on Titan Blood. 

The Aspect of Beowulf allows Zagrus to use the Dragon Rush ability, in which he can load his ''Bull Rush'' with his new cast ''Naegling's Board'' to increase his damage.

Hades is currently available for PC, on Steam, and in the Epic Games Store, on the Nintendo Switch, and from August 16, also on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. 

You can check out all of our guides and features related to the title here

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