On Genshin Impact, players get to explore the mysteries of the nations, and different environments all over Teyvat, as they look for their lost sibling, face many dangers, embark on amazing adventures, and make life-long companions along the way. With that said, the game lets players take control of a wide roster of playable characters, all focused on specific roles inside your team composition. But some characters can also do well in many roles, both as Damage Dealers and as Supports, like Fischl, Noelle, and many others which can be considered hybrid characters. With that in mind, we will now teach you how to build Fischl as a Physical DPS and show all that you should not underestimate the Prinzessin der Verurteilung.
Genshin Impact: How to Build Fischl as a Physical DPS - A Step by Step Guide
Image: miHoYo / Genshin Impact Wiki.
As we said above, this build will be focused on building Fischl as a Physical damage dealer, using her normal attacks as her main weapon, as well as using the Superconduct reaction to further increase her damage overall. For that, we will focus on weapons that fortify both her physical damage as well as her Crit Rate, the lifeblood of any DPS.
With that said, between all weapons, the Amos' Bow will be our main choice. But in our opinion, the 5-star bow is better suited for DPS-focused characters, like Ganyu, Childe, or, when released, the game's upcoming 5-star Yoimiya.
The bow offers a good boost in OZX ( Elemental Skill) damage, as well as a higher base ATK.
On the 4-star side, focusing on bows with the Physical Damage substat, such as the Mitternachts Waltz, or the Compound Bow. The Rust bow can also be a good fit thanks to his insane normal ATK boost.
Image: miHoYo / Genshin Impact Wiki.
Artifact-wise, you should focus on increasing her Physical overall damage. with that in mind, the game's newest Ple Flame set, which gives a 25% boost in Physical Damage, as well as an increase in ATK every time your Elemental Skill hits an opponent, giving her an extra boost per stack.
But that's not all, since if you manage to reach 2 stacks of its 4-piece buff, the character will receive another 25% increase in Physical Damage.
Using a 2-piece Pale Flame/ Bloodstained Knight, 2-piece Gladiator's Finale can also work really well. since it offers both an 18% increase in ATK, as well as a 25% increase in Physical Damage.
- Stats-wise, you should focus on HP, ATK, ATK, Physical Damage, and Crit Rate or DMG, depending on your desired weapon.
Talent-wise, you should focus mainly on her normal/charged attacks, since it will be her main source of damage, as well on her Elemental Skill, to improve Oz's damage.
Recommended Constellations
To improve boost her even further, a C6 Fischl is ideal for both a Physical DPS and as a support, since it increases her damage by a fair margin and gives even more opportunities for a Supercharged reaction.
Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, mobile devices, and PC, via miHoYo's official launcher and in the Epic Games Store.
You can check out all our guides related to the game here.