Hades' Supergiant Games' latest rogue-like dungeon crawler, puts players in the Blazing shoes of Zagreus, the Prince of the Underworld, and Hades' only son, as he fights his way to the surface. And to reach his objective, he can make use of many weapons, also known as Infernal Arms. Between all of the weapons, or Aspects available in the game, the first one to be unlocked is the Aspect of Zagreus of the Stygian Blade, but, as with all weapons in the game, that's only its first form. With that said, one of the weapon's best forms is the Aspect of Arthur, the final one for the Blade, since it not only alters Zagreus' stats but also changes his playstyle accordingly, by offering a 50 health bonus to his total HP, as well a new Special, ''Hallowed Ground'', which allows Zagreus to generate an AoE field around himself that reduces damage up to 45%, disables traps, and slows enemies attacks/projectiles.
Now get ready, because we will teach you how to unlock the Stygian Blade's ultimate Aspect, the Aspect of Arthur.
How to Unlock the Aspect of Arthur in Hades - A Step by Step Guide
First, Let's Reveal Guan Yu
The first step to unlocking the Aspect is to reveal the Eternal Spear's fourth Aspect, the Aspect of Guan Yu. But that is not an easy task, since it can only be done after collecting 5 ounces of Titan blood, spending it on 5 non-Zagreus aspects, reaching the surface at least once, and then getting the awaking phrase from Achilles.
You can check how to get the Aspect in more detail here.
- It's important to point out that you don't need to unlock the Aspect of Guan Yu, only reveal it.
Yes, More Titan Blood
After getting the Aspect of Guan Yu, your priority needs to be to get at least 5 Titan Blood and spend it on other Stygian Blade's non-Zagreus aspects. That's right, is time to go hunt that titan Blood.
Getting the Waking Phrase
After that, it's time to focus on getting the weapons awaking phase.
For that, after completing the steps above, you need to talk to Nyx in her usual spot in the house of Hades, where she will greed Zagreus and tell him the waking phrase, "I see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone". It may take a few tries, but he will eventually say it, so be patient.
After that, you only need to equip the Stygian Blade and interact with the weapon in the arsenal, where it will reveal its fourth form to the Prince of the underworld.
It isn't a Sacred Sword for Nothing
As we said in the beginning, the Aspect of Arthur allows Zagreus to awaken his enemies damage and slow their projectiles, making the weapon a must if you prefer a more careful and calculated playstyle, focused on positioning Zagreus and improving his normal attacks DMG as well as his survivability in the field.
Hades is currently available for PC, on Steam and Epic Games Store, and in the Nintendo Switch. A version of the game for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One on August 13th.
What are you waiting for? Go and begin your ascendance to the surface to find not only your destiny but the answers to your past too!
You can check out all of our features and guides related to Supergiant Games' Hades here.