Returnal makes players suffer when it comes time to face the final boss. As we have been commenting throughout our detailed guide, these encounters encompass everything you have learned during your stay at Átropos. After having focused on Phrike, Ixion, and Nemesis, today we explain all the tips about the fourth and penultimate final boss: Hyperion. Read on to learn how to defeat Hyperion in Returnal!

How to defeat Hyperion in Returnal: An All-Encompassing Guide

How to defeat Hyperion in Returnal

Hyperion is located at the top of the Aguja de las Ruinas, the nexus that we all knew and that has been converted for the occasion. This confrontation is perhaps one of the most complicated in the game since the attacks will ask you for speed and precision.

As usual, this boss has another 3 health bars that will set the pace of the action. You can go with any range. We recommend that you enter combat with an astronaut figure, as a backup in case you fail.

First phase

Do not stay watching the fantastic staging of Hyperión, as, from the first minute, it will try to hunt you down. You must take into account two basic strokes. The first, the burst of guided missiles; the second, the purple laser that cuts through the combat horizontally. As if that wasn't enough, every few seconds. it emits a wave of energy balls that splash throughout the fight, although you don't have to worry about them.

Near the end of this life bar, he will begin to play the same melody on the organ as at the beginning, which will change the way he attacks. Now, the projectiles and balls will come out of the holes at the top. Observe its mechanics and do not let them reach you. Soon you will be in the second phase.

Second stage

Hyperion will get more aggressive. As soon as you start this bar, it will move away from the instrument ... and you will not like what is coming. To the usual attacks, one, in particular, is added that will make you vibrate. It's a horizontal energy ball chop that encompasses virtually all of your outputs. What should you do? Do not worry: while the evasion lasts you will be invulnerable, so jump forward without fear.

Before returning to the organ, he will launch another attack of guided projectiles, which this time will attack from a vertical position. They are faster than the previous ones, so look again to go to the centre, not to the sides. This way you will lose the autodialer. When it hits again, watch out for the orbs hitting the ground, which will create more energy balls.

Third phase

The boss is unhinged. Slashes will now be X-shaped, accompanied by two circular waves of energy. Shortly after the start, it will emit a spiral of balls from the sky to the ground. Although they seem like many, you must place yourself between the union of two waves in the part closest to the limit of the map. After this attack, he will launch another 5 Xs very quickly. One, at least, will almost certainly give you; put into practice what you have learned in the second phase.

Another of the offensive characteristics of this end of duel is to place yourself between two walls of branches. You will be trapped in a hallway in front of him. Here he tries to survive, you do not have to attack him. When he releases you, he will return to the organ to launch his string of projectiles: now you can finish him off.

Now that you know what big boys you’re going to be facing and how to defeat Hyperion in Returnal, get out die, and try (emphasis on try… it’s hard) and why not check out more guides on the best games around, here at GamesAtlas.

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