Wondering how to fix MW2 2022 and the plethora of issues it maintains? Whilst there is currently no workaround for game-breaking issues players are facing, here is a deep dive into the Modern Warfare 2 improvements needed.
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How To Fix MW2 2022?
With Modern Warfare 2's launch coming along with a great number of bugs and issues, mainly based around the game's UI and the inability for players to access certain areas within the main menu, Infinity Ward has managed to patch some of this out. Whilst this is the case, there are still issues with the title particularly for players on PC, facing constant crashes and matchmaking issues.
This is often prominent in the midst of gameplay or while joining a lobby, where players will be met with an error message with a prompt to verify game files. For previous entries such as Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfare (2019), and Vanguard, this was also an issue on Battle.net.
Credit: Infinity Ward
In terms of gameplay functionality, many players will agree that Infinity Ward has provided a good experience that has the potential to evolve within its life cycle, with new updates and unique additions to the title.
Improvements That Are Needed
In other areas in the aspect of how to fix MW2 2022, there are some fans who are not particularly happy with factors such as the fast TTK, perks activating mid-game, and some of the old perks being used as field upgrades instead.
Whilst this is certainly all subjective, the best thing for developers to do is to provide a TTK which is much more balanced and fair, more akin to Black Ops: Cold War.
It is highly unlikely changes will be made within these regions considering the previous Call Of Duty titles not seeing much of a change despite requests from players, but certainly is not impossible.
For more coverage on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022) keep tuning into Games Atlas!