Obtain every Trophy
To acquire this trophy, you need to acquire all other trophies in the game. DLC trophies do not count towards this.
[BRONZE] The Giving Tree
Meet Aphrodite
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Big Chicken
Meet Ares
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] The Iron Giant
Meet Hephaistos
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Sassy, Lost Child
Meet Athena
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] God of War
Complete Ares’ Questline
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Goddess of Wisdom
Complete Athena’s Questline
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Messenger of the Gods
Complete Hermes’ Questline
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Goddess of Love
Complete Aphrodite’s Questline
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] God of the Forge
Complete Hephaistos’ Questline
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Brother Battle
Defeat Ligyron
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[GOLD] Mission Complete
Defeat Typhoon
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Logs and Monsters
Chop down 100 large trees
This trophy is easily acquired by using R2 to attack and chop down trees. Keep in mind that only the normal-sized trees, not the super thick ones, can be cut down.
[BRONZE] Bird’s-Eye View
Unfog the whole map
To unlock this trophy, you need to use the synchronisation points in each region. You will naturally visit most of these as you progress through the story events. However, the final one at the gates of Tartaros is located at the southern peak of the volcano.
[BRONZE] Tippy-Top
Reach the highest point on the island
This trophy can be unlocked after your fight with your sibling. You don’t have to do it immediately as you can return there at any point after the fight. Simply climbing to the peak of the boss battle location will unlock this trophy.
[BRONZE] The Floor is Lava
Glide a total of 1,000 meters in one go
In order to unlock this trophy, you will need a lot of stamina. Once you’ve got about 10 stamina bars (or a bunch of stamina potions), along with the skill Glide Boost, you need to find a really high starting point. Hephaistos’ Statue works great, and you can glide towards the canyon.
[BRONZE] Oceancookie
Tame an Epic mount
This trophy overlaps with the more elaborate “Calling Out to Me” trophy unlocking procedure. You can reference that to complete this one.
[BRONZE] Among the Stars
Solve a Constellation Myth Challenge
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to solve a constellation puzzle. You will need to collect the blue marbles and put them in the correlated holes on the board according to the pattern shown on the mural nearby.
[SILVER] Fenyx the Horseman
Tame all mounts
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to tame all 25 mounts in the game. To tame a mount, you need to approach it slowly with circle and then press the cross button to tame it.
[SILVER] To Good Health
Fully upgrade your Health
In order to unlock this trophy, you will need to use Ambrosia to upgrade your health. The easiest way to do this is to go into scouting mode from a high point and mark Ambrosia on your map. It is also rewarded for tasks in Hall of Gods. There is plenty of Ambrosia to upgrade your health to max.
[BRONZE] Projectile Pro
Defeat a flying enemy with any thrown object
In order to unlock this trophy, simply grab objects with L1 and Triangle, and fling them at flying enemies in the air with R2. One kill in this method will unlock this trophy.
[BRONZE] C-C-C-Combo
Reach the final Combo stage
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to reach a total of 84 hits in a combo. First, you need to receive one of Ares’ blessings that unlocks the final combo stage. It is also advisable to upgrade your skills to perform this. Simply mash L1 and Square to perform the Athena Dash, and chain them into 84 total hits.
[BRONZE] Your Own Medicine
Defeat an enemy with their own projectile
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to parry an enemy projectile back at them to kill them by pressing L1 and R1 at the same time.
[BRONZE] It’s A Bird!
Perform a 25 hit combo while in air
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to press L1 and Triangle to pull yourself to a flying enemy, and mash L1 and Square. Do this until you chain 25 hits in a combo and the trophy will unlock.
[BRONZE] Look, No Hands!
Defeat 10 enemies using traps inside the Vaults of Tartaros
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to lure enemies to traps in the Vaults of Tartaros and get them killed. The easiest one to do this with is the spike trap that is triggered with the pressure plates. Keep in mind, once you find all the items in a vault they close forever and cannot be revisited. So this trophy is technically missable.
[BRONZE] Wraithless in Battle
Defeat a Wraith
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to progress Aphrodite’s questline. You encounter the Wraith automatically while progressing. Defeating it will unlock this trophy.
[SILVER] Ornithology
Acquire all Phoenix skins
There are 12 Phoenix skins that can be obtained by defeating the Legendary Monsters in free roam. These are the only optional ones. The other skins are automatically unlocked by completing the Story and Hermes’ Challenges. Acquiring all the skins will unlock this trophy.
[SILVER] Wing Nut
Acquire all Wings
In order to acquire all the wings, you need to defeat all the lieutenant bosses in free roam. Additionally, one more set of wings is available after completing Fresco challenges and heading over to Ikaros’ workshop.
[SILVER] Who’s the Boss?
Defeat the Mythical Monster bosses
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to locate and defeat all of the Mythical Monster bosses in the game.
[SILVER] Hades’ New Neighbor
Complete 25 Vaults of Tartaros
You can mark all 25 vaults on the map by getting to a high point and holding R3 to scout them out and mark them. In order to unlock this trophy, you need to complete each of the 25 dungeons. They contain several puzzles based on platforming as well as combat.
[BRONZE] Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Meet Hermes
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Shard Miner
Destroy 10 Shards Clusters
There are several crystalline shard clusters throughout the open world. The trophy unlocks when you destroy 10 of them.
[GOLD] Armed and Dangerous
Fully upgrade everything at the Forge of Hephaistos
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to fully upgrade everything at the Forge of Hephaistos. This trophy requires a bit of grind in order to collect the different kinds of currencies.
[BRONZE] Moonlight Treasure
Open a Night Chest
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to unlock the chests that only appear at night. Change the day cycle to night by resting (hold down Options button). The night chests are marked by a moon icon on your map. Kill the enemies nearby to unlock the chest.
[BRONZE] Toot or Boot?
Equip a matching helmet and armor
This trophy is unlocked fairly easily. All you need to do is pick an armor and a helmet from the same set name and equip them.
[BRONZE] From the Ashes
Find Phosphor
This trophy is story-related and unlocks automatically.
[BRONZE] Not Too Close to the Sun
Equip new Wings
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to equip a set of wings acquired by defeating lieutenants throughout the world map.
[SILVER] Servant to the Gods
Complete the gods’ side questlines
In order to unlock this trophy, you must complete the following quests: Ozo-Meanie; Saving Our Hides; Hot Pot/Pot Ajar/Pay-Bagock; Dark Arts, Forged Friendship and Spring Hope Eternal.
[BRONZE] One Chore Down
Complete a task from Hermes’ Heroic Tasks Board at the Hall of the Gods
This trophy overlaps with the more elaborate “More than Twelve Labours” trophy unlocking procedure. You can reference that to complete this one.
[SILVER] More than Twelve Labours
Complete 36 tasks from Hermes’ Heroic Tasks Board
There are four kinds of tasks: Eliminations, Vaults of Tartaros, Exploration, Island Activities, and Heroic Tasks. You need to complete a total of 36 of any of these in order to unlock this trophy. The progress can be tracked on the Board in the Hall of Gods.
[BRONZE] Toil and Trouble
Craft your first Potion
In order to unlock this trophy, simply craft any one potion using the ingredients at the cauldron in the Hall of Gods.
[BRONZE] Potion Professional
Fully upgraded the Potion tree
In order to upgrade the potion tree, you need to acquire a lot of Golden Ember. Normal chests and trees are great sources of the material. The trophy unlocks upon upgrading the entire tree.
[BRONZE] Powered Up
Fully upgrade the Godly Powers tree
This is done by trading coins for skills. The trophy unlocks when you acquire all the skills. You can earn way more coins than you need, so this is not a very labour-intensive trophy.
[BRONZE] Show Your Moves
Fully upgrade the Skills tree
This trophy follows the exact same procedure as the “Powered Up” trophy.
[BRONZE] Weapon Master
Fully upgrade one weapon to its final tier
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to use the Blue, Yellow, Red, and Purple currencies. They can be acquired through a multitude of ways that were mentioned earlier for other trophies. You need quite a few, so priorities upgrading the weapon with them.
[BRONZE] Join the Creed
Perform 10 Stealth Attacks
In order to perform a stealth attack, simply sneak up behind an enemy and press Triangle. Doing this 10 times unlocks the trophy.
[SILVER] Fully Charged
Fully upgrade your stamina
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to acquire a bunch of Zeus’ Lightning and fully upgrade your Stamina. They can be obtained as rewards for completing Vaults and tasks.
[BRONZE] Down in Flames
Complete Phosphor’s questline
Phosphor is rescued as part of Athena’s questline. Once rescued, you will need to complete a series of quests for him. Doing all of these will unlock the trophy.
[SILVER] Last Hero Standing
Defeat all Wraiths in their lairs
In order to unlock this trophy, you need to defeat all the wraiths in their lairs. The first one attacks you during Aphrodite’s quest. The others attack you close to the Gates of Tartaros when traversing the map.
[BRONZE] Beauty’s in the Eye
Change your appearance at the Hall of the Gods
In order to unlock this trophy, simply approach the barber in the Hall of Gods and change any part of your appearance for the trophy.
[BRONZE] Photobomb
Take a photo
At any point in the game, simply press L3 and R3 at the same time to initiate Photo Mode and take a picture.
That's all for our platinum trophy guide for Immortal Fenyx Rising! Feel free to check out our other articles on our website!