It is both a sword and an axe. Charge it up in sword mode, then melt the sword and shield into an axe to unleash energy in a devastating attack. Controls (sword and shield mode):
- Weak slash: X
- Forward Slash slash X + A
- Fade slash: Left stick + A in a combo Sword:
- Morph slash ZR + X
- Charge(Requires charge, yellow charge fills 3 phials while red fills all 5): ZR + A.
- Guard: ZR
- Charged Double Slash: Hold A
- Charge sword attack: ZR + A, then press ZR + hold X, however, do not let it overcharge, as soon as the sword is fully charged, let go of X.
What are Phials:
Attack in sword mode to accumulate energy. If you accumulate too much, the attacks will bounce. Load phials with the bar in yellow or more to fill phials that you can use in axe mode. Blocking Attacks Some sword mode attacks, such as the spinning slash or the beginning of the mutant slash, can block attacks. If an attack hits you with your shield facing towards it, you will block it. Charged Attack Both Focused Elemental Slash and Charged Double Slash will not execute successfully if you hold the button too long. Release it at the right time to execute them successfully.
Take a focused elemental slash with a sword during an elemental bonus to enter Empowered Sword mode. Your attacks will not be deflected and you will gain additional attacks. Morphing advance attack that is activated by ZL + X. Use a Wirebug to launch yourself forward as your charged axe changes into axe form. As long as you keep moving, they won't knock you over or stun you.
- X: Spinning Slash
- X+A then ZR: Charge shield
- A: Elemental Discharge II
- X+A: Super Amped Element Discharge
- X+A the back of your character + X: Amped Elemental Discharge
Counter Peak Performance Attack that is activated with ZL + A. Taking a hit with your weapon ready will make your Phials fill to the maximum. Allowing you to morph into several different attacks:
- X: Charge sword slash
- A: Morph Slash
- X+A then ZR: Charge shield
- X+A: Super Amped Element Discharge
- X+A the back of your character + X: Amped Elemental Discharge
Axe Mode attacks:
- X: Rising Slash
- X, then X: Downward Slash
- A: Elemental DIscharge I
- A, then A: Elemental Discharge II
- A, then A, then A: Super Amped Element Discharge (Amped Element Discharge if the shield is not charged)
- X+A: Super Amped Element Discharge
- X+A the back of your character + X: Amped Elemental Discharge
- ZR: Morph Slash
With at least 1 phial applies, perform an axe: elemental round slash and your shield will elementally boosted, improving your attack power and guard capacity in axe mode.
Attacks from guarding:
- X+A then ZR: Charge shield (If you have phials)
- X+A: Super Amped Element Discharge
- X+A the back of your character + X: Amped Elemental Discharge
Weapon Advantages:
- Switching to the axe allows for strong and deadly attacks.
- The Silkbind Guard move is a great way to quickly max up your Phials.
- A versatile weapon where you can use the shield, sword, and switch to the axe.
- The new Silkbind Attack is a great use to glide around the battlefield and to quickly morph into axe mode.
Weapon Disadvantages:
- The movement speed of the hunter is quite slow.
- Axe mode significantly slows the hunter's movement.
Chargeblade Useful Combos:
Sword: Basic Combo
- X+A, X, X
- Sword: Forward Slash > Sword: Return Stroke > Sword: Spinning Slash
Elemental Roundslash Combo
- Power Mode requires more than 1 Phial.
- Hold X, X+A, A+X, ZR
- Sword: Charged Double Slash > Sword: Shield Thrust > Axe: Amped Element Discharge > Axe: Element Boost Spinning Slash
Sword: Sword Mode-boosting Combo
- During Elemental Boost only.
- Hold A, ZR+A, X
- Sword: Charged Double Slash > While Charging > Sword: Condensed Element Slash
Axe Combo into Amped Element Discharge
- Forward+A, A, A.
- Axe: Dash Slam > Axe: Element Discharge II > Axe: Amped Element Discharge
Axe: Combos from Axe Mode into Element Discharge
- X, A, X, A
- Axe: Rising Slash > Axe: Element Discharge II > Axe: Rising Slash > Axe: Element Discharge II
There will more weapon guides for monster hunter rise here at GamesaAtlas soon, as well as everything you need to know about the best videogames around.