Hello, I am Oskar, hailing from the depths of mystery and this is Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One.
It is another game from the Sherlock series from Frogwares, but this time around, it will be different and revamped. Previous Sherlock Holmes games were pretty linear with interesting plots and cases, but this time, the world will be much more open and full of life.
Story of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will focus on the beginnings of our detective's adventures, his youth, and the mysterious death of his mother. You will get the whole island as your playground for solving crimes and catching criminals.
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One Reveal
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One - Developers Q&A
Developers created a short Questions Answered video. I got answers from the video and put them here, but if you want to hear the developer’s in-depth coverage, then check the original video below.
Q. How long is the game going to be, and how many cases will it cover? ~ Bartek Madziar
A. 5 Main quests, and more than 30 side quests. It will take 12 to 15 hours for the main story and above 40 hours for everything developers prepared for us.
Q. Will the game be focused solely on the mystery involving the death of Sherlock’s mother? Or will we have minor mysteries to deal with along the way too? ~ Giacinto Poli
A. Sherlock’s main focus and the main story will revolve around the death of his mother, but he will want to prove to the world that he is the real detective, and he is eager to investigate any mystery that he stumbles upon.
Q. Is the game very linear, or will we have options as to what quests we do, and when? ~ Samantha Larocque
A. It will be an open-world game, so after finishing the prologue the rest will be dependent on your choices.
Q. Will Sherlock wear any disguise costumes this time? ~ Elliott Longhawn
A. Yes. You can find or buy new outfits, some of them might give you access to some areas. You get high customization of your protagonist not only with clothes but also with hair, glasses, facial hair, etc.
Q. I read that we would be able to decorate the mansions, so will we be able to shop for furniture and clothes, or will they get unlocked as we play? ~ Myo Shwa Yi Wyne
A. Both. Some of the items you will get as a reward, and others you will have to buy.
Q. Will the game have multiple outcomes for cases or endings like in previous ones? ~ Babak Rahrovani
A. Yes, definitely. Both main quests and the side quests. The game itself will have various endings.
Q. Will it focus on just solving puzzles, or will we see Sherlock do some fighting, too? ~ Becky Davis
A. Sherlock will do some fighting as well, as long as it fits the story.
Q. When can we expect to see gameplay and who’s the voice cast? ~ Reef Bell
A. Full gameplay was not released yet, but we have seen recently a gameplay trailer so we have some glimpse of it. As of the Voice Cast, we will see Alex Jordan as Sherlock Holmes, and Wil Coban as Jon. You can hear the samples of the dialogues in the full video below.
Q. How much of The Sinking City structure will there be? The inquiries will be conducted in a linear way or we will be free to make mistakes and declare guilty the wrong person? ~ Giuseppe Pirozzi
A. Yes, you will be able to accuse the wrong suspect. It is possible to fail the investigation, but the story will continue regardless.
Q. Will there be a teleporting Watson option? I always enjoyed how in the older games he would stand still as you walked away from him, you would turn around and BOOM, he is standing right in front of you. I miss that. ~ Christopher Mattias Rohner
A. It would be quite a shocker if Watson teleported in Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, considering he is not even in the game.
Full Q&A Part 1
New Gameplay Trailer
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One is shaping to be the best one yet. I love mystery games that include a lot of thinking, case solving, finding murderers, analyzing crime scenes, and much more. The graphics look really nice, and it is always enjoyable to listen to some British English accents along the journey.
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One is scheduled to release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One X/S, and Xbox Series X/S in 2021.
For more mystery games, check out this article.